I am having the same problem. I tried using the default a320 at the default KMIA and still had the issue.
I am was using the operate Jetway command.
The gate used was gate 52
Traceback (most recent call last):
File ".\GSX\assistanceServices\jetwayOperations.py", line 416, in _trigger
AttributeError: 'Jetway' object has no attribute 'status'
{'Airport': 'KMIA', 'Requested assistance services at': 'Gate 62', 'User Pos': (25.79561939890271, -80.28205311246369, 6.19759 m, 2.72664 m, 146.12770124295622, 0.0022673646453768015, 0.003490658476948738, 0.00047273499526464657, 2.7096721046447754, 1.0)}
emulateText_MSFS [GSX] Handling by American Airlines 2.0