Author Topic: Planes engines issues with GSX Pro [SOLVED]  (Read 3742 times)


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Planes engines issues with GSX Pro [SOLVED]
« on: March 19, 2023, 11:56:55 am »
For the past few weeks, GSX Pro has been causing problems when starting aircrafts engines.

With the PMDG 737-800 the engines start but N1 remains stuck at 20.7%. when I increase the throttle, the plane detects (alarm) that I have the brakes and that there is too much power, but N1 does not move. Without GSX Pro I don't have this problem....

with the A310 from Inibuilds the engines do not start at all. And if I disable COUALT, everything works fine

Of course I deleted GSX pro then I reinstalled it, but no improvement. I can't understand, before that everything was working perfectly.

Does anyone have the same problem and above all a solution ?

Thank you all
« Last Edit: November 03, 2023, 07:16:46 pm by M@th44 »


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Re: Planes engines issues with GSX Pro
« Reply #1 on: March 19, 2023, 03:11:32 pm »
Assuming you meant this happened after a pushback, I just tried a pushback now with the PMDG 737-800, and I cannot replicate what you are reporting, see the video here:

Don't mind a few issues I had with the parking brake, it's only because I don't have actual rudders, so the special custom handling of parking brakes with the PMDG doesn't play that well with my joystick assignment ( or maybe I still haven't fully figured it out how it's supposed to work... ), but it's nothing related to the issue you reported, which seems to be the engines stuck for some reason.

As you can see, there are no problems with the throttle and to increase N1 to taxi away normally after pushback ended. If something like this really happened to everybody, and for weeks, we would have the forum flooded by similar complaints, but there are no such reports.

Of course I deleted GSX pro then I reinstalled it, but no improvement. I can't understand, before that everything was working perfectly.

Since the problem doesn't normally happen, it's normal it won't be fixed by reinstalling GSX. It must be something else, possibly a 3rd add-on that causes this conflict which for some reason happens only together with GSX, which might be easily mislead you to be caused by GSX, when it's not.

Note that, I'm using SU12 Beta, with the upcoming GSX update that will support its new features so, it is possible some kind of problem in the previous sim updates might have been fixed with SU12 so, I suggest waiting next Tuesday for both the update to the sim, and the GSX update as well, which will come out as soon the sim update gets released by Microsoft.


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Re: Planes engines issues with GSX Pro
« Reply #2 on: March 20, 2023, 08:05:11 pm »
As you can see, there are no problems with the throttle and to increase N1 to taxi away normally after pushback ended. If something like this really happened to everybody, and for weeks, we would have the forum flooded by similar complaints, but there are no such reports.

It's actually because I haven't seen anyone mentioning the same problem that I decided to question the community.

As stated in my post, before everything worked perfectly.

I'm also thinking of an incompatibility between GSX Pro and something else, probably a free or paid scene.

Have fun

I just wanted to see if anyone had this before and how it was resolved.

Gadget FPV

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Re: Planes engines issues with GSX Pro
« Reply #3 on: March 20, 2023, 08:54:55 pm »
I just had the same issue with the 737... No matter how much throttle I applied, the plane wouldn't move... prior to that, I tried to use push back, but it constantly ask for me to release brakes, so I aborted Pushback... Shutdown GSX Pro and immediately was able to taxi...  Never had this issue before the recent update...  Otherwise GSX usually works well for me...



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Re: Planes engines issues with GSX Pro
« Reply #4 on: March 21, 2023, 09:40:12 pm »
The origin of a conflict seems to be confirmed since after removing almost everything from my COMMUNITY directory, it works again. :D :D :D :D

I'll try to see which one is causing the problem. ;)


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Re: Planes engines issues with GSX Pro
« Reply #5 on: March 21, 2023, 11:22:47 pm »
since after removing almost everything from my COMMUNITY directory, it works again.

You mean, everything, except GSX and the PMDG ? It's more likely to be some add-on module, not a scenery.


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Re: Planes engines issues with GSX Pro
« Reply #6 on: March 21, 2023, 11:50:45 pm »
You mean, everything, except GSX and the PMDG ? It's more likely to be some add-on module, not a scenery.

Yep, I removed almost everything except airplanes and gsx pro and it works perfectly.

I started to reinstall my add-ons and I check each time that it still works.

Concerning the modules, after having reinstalled those of Navigraph (panel in game and navdata), the cause does not come from them. There remain those of Simbrief and FS2Crew.

When I have a convincing result I will share it.

have fun


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Re: Planes engines issues with GSX Pro
« Reply #7 on: March 26, 2023, 09:49:59 pm »
I give up, there is no logic...
I uninstalled all my MSFS to start again on a healthy installation
I reinstall my add-ons as I go along and when one of them fucks up, uninstalling it doesn't solve the problem
Sometimes it works and the next time it doesn't.

I uninstall, with regret, GSX pro


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Re: Planes engines issues with GSX Pro
« Reply #8 on: March 27, 2023, 11:28:38 am »
I give up, there is no logic...

Sure, you said it yourself:

Yep, I removed almost everything except airplanes and gsx pro and it works perfectly.

I reinstall my add-ons as I go along and when one of them fucks up, uninstalling it doesn't solve the problem

Your words: "one of them", surely not GSX

I uninstall, with regret, GSX pro

Wrong solution, since you got proof it wasn't GSX, but it was "one of them".


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Re: Planes engines issues with GSX Pro
« Reply #9 on: March 28, 2023, 10:19:43 pm »
When I say that there is no logic it is that if configuration A works and I install an add-on which causes problems, going back to configuration A does not solve the problem, even if I removed the add-on that seems to be causing it.

So how can I be sure which add-on is in question?


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Re: Planes engines issues with GSX Pro
« Reply #10 on: March 30, 2023, 09:43:36 am »
When I say that there is no logic it is that if configuration A works and I install an add-on which causes problems, going back to configuration A does not solve the problem, even if I removed the add-on that seems to be causing it.

That seems to indicate you haven't removed it entirely, for example if it has executables that starts in different ways than what's is its package. Or, the opposite, you removed those .exe, but not everything it placed in the Community folder.


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Re: Planes engines issues with GSX Pro
« Reply #11 on: May 01, 2023, 10:16:09 pm »
I tried again to find what is wrong.

I reinstalled MSFS at least without any addition other than the A310 and GSX Pro.
The Community directory only contains GSX Pro directories.

The engine one starting problem is still present and N1 does not exceed 2.9%

I have no problem with the A32NX, the CRJs, the ATR.

My engines starting issue only affect the A310 and the 737-800 from PMDG

And it's not the fault of an add-on or an additional program since I didn't install anything else (no FS2Crew, no FSUIPC, ...) and I also disconnected my peripherals

« Last Edit: May 01, 2023, 10:21:26 pm by M@th44 »


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Re: Planes engines issues with GSX Pro
« Reply #12 on: May 01, 2023, 10:26:49 pm »
My engines starting issue only affect the A310 and the 737-800 from PMDG

I'll remind you again one of the things you reported:

Yep, I removed almost everything except airplanes and gsx pro and it works perfectly.

So, clearly, you already got proof GSX works perfectly, that is assuming that, when you removed "almost everything", you kept the A310 and the 737-800, otherwise that wasn't a relevant test.

I can only repeat and confirm, GSX doesn't touch the airplane throttles. The only thing GSX would do to the airplane, would freezing it during pushback, and unfreezing after.

But if the problem was GSX failing to unfreeze the airplane, the effect would be very different to what you are reporting: the airplane will just not move EVEN if the instruments and the engines would show normal values, because freezing the airplane will only momentary prevent the motion, but ALL systems won't be affected, exactly like when you put the simulator in "Active Pause.


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Re: Planes engines issues with GSX Pro
« Reply #13 on: May 02, 2023, 10:07:37 pm »
The fact remains that when COUALT is launched, engine 1 of the A310 does not start and when I launch a flight without COUALT everything works fine.

So the problem comes, at least in part, from the fact that COUALT is active.

I do not question the quality of the product which is very good and which I continue to use with other aircraft.

I'm just trying to find a solution.

best regards


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Re: Planes engines issues with GSX Pro
« Reply #14 on: November 03, 2023, 05:26:07 pm »

I solved my problem and I think it was caused by Microsoft Visual C++ Redistribuable package 2013 and/or 2015.

I reinstalled these two packages (in fact 4, Ve cause x86 and 64) and now everything works.

I don't know if it's GSX PRO or MSFS which uses these packages but the result is that everything works again

I hope my mishap will be useful to others

Enjoy the flights everyone