Author Topic: Cargo doors close too early  (Read 1220 times)


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Cargo doors close too early
« on: March 15, 2023, 08:36:26 pm »
Usually GSX is able to sequence services if you call them.
So my usual approach was to request boarding and at some point during boarding/loading I already pressed the request departure.
This would then automatically proceed with the pushback process once loading is finished.

Since the latest updates as soon as I request departure, all doors (including cargo doors) close on the Fenix despite cargo loading isn't finished yet.
That makes no sense, GSX should never close doors too early - neither the pax doors while boarding is still ongoing nor cargo doors if cargo loading is ongoing. Otherwise this results in containers being animated clipping through the closed doors.

Not sure what the reason for the changes in door closing was, but this issue made the experience worse for me.


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Re: Cargo doors close too early
« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2023, 06:15:58 am »
Me too. after the 2.3.2 update it started for me


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Re: Cargo doors close too early
« Reply #2 on: March 16, 2023, 09:38:43 am »
That makes no sense, GSX should never close doors too early. Not sure what the reason for the changes in door closing was, but this issue made the experience worse for me.

Of course there's always a reason why changes are made, and it's because we listen to users suggestions ( maybe too much ? ), because somebody said "doesn't make sense" as well:,29037.msg189141.html#msg189141

Maybe the issue is that GSX is waiting until the bypass pin is inserted to close the L1 door, which makes no sense from an IRL operations perspective.

To fix this, we moved the door closure earlier in the departure, which of course is fine, if you call the departure when you are really ready for departure.

So, what makes no sense for a user if something is done in a certain way, makes no sense for another user, in this case you, because you are staggering the sequence. We'll see if it would be possible to not process the doors closing when you *request* a service, but only when the service will eventually start to be performed, which should work in your case.
« Last Edit: March 16, 2023, 09:40:16 am by virtuali »


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Re: Cargo doors close too early
« Reply #3 on: March 16, 2023, 11:48:49 pm »
We'll see if it would be possible to not process the doors closing when you *request* a service, but only when the service will eventually start to be performed, which should work in your case.
Yeah, that's exactly what is needed and it does not contradict the other user's request.
It's not like my bugreport is the exact opposite of that other thread, we're talking about different combinations.
Sequencing actions is a feature of GSX and the change regarding the doors actually broke it for me.