Author Topic: Is it possible to request new ground handling operator? (EDDH)  (Read 1033 times)


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Is it possible to request new ground handling operator? (EDDH)
« on: October 09, 2023, 05:08:03 pm »
Hi guys!

I can always see in the change log, that you keep adding new ground handling operators.

I would ask you if you had the chance to add Hamburg Airport Ground Handling for airport EDDH.
Currently there are 3 different operators available, which are not accurate. Lufthansa, Condor and some third are not ground handling operators.

This one should look like this:

The only problem with the version, that it always disappear with every update and have to overwrite HAS (Hong Kong Airport Services Limited).

Thank you very much!  :)

Captain Kevin

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Re: Is it possible to request new ground handling operator? (EDDH)
« Reply #1 on: October 10, 2023, 11:38:42 am »
They keep adding them BECAUSE people are requesting them and sending them the information about it like you have, so it can certainly be done.
Captain Kevin