Author Topic: How to make MK Studios EFHK jetways work with GSX Pro  (Read 1762 times)


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How to make MK Studios EFHK jetways work with GSX Pro
« on: March 02, 2023, 04:26:57 pm »
A couple of days ago, I flew into MK Studios EFHK and parked at gate 25. When I asked for the deboarding to start, the jetway didn't move.

Looking at the config screen for GSX Pro where you have two lists, the one to the left where GSX jetways are enabled and the on the right side where they are disabled, I found EFHK on the right side.

So far, I haven't had time to test if this issue is also true for other gates or it it's specific for gate 25. Just wanted to ask how other GSX users in here have jetways configured for this airport.

Thanks in advance for your input.
Richard Åsberg


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Re: How to make MK Studios EFHK jetways work with GSX Pro
« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2023, 06:20:47 pm »
If you were parked on the stop line, then there is nothing GSX can do. It doesn't control anything about the Jetways, that's all responsibility of MSFS and the scenery creator.

If the GSX marshaller or VDGS didn't correctly guide you to the correct stopping position, that might be a different topic (and might mean there is an issue with the airport profile you're using), but without knowing where you actually stopped, it's impossible to tell.


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Re: How to make MK Studios EFHK jetways work with GSX Pro
« Reply #2 on: March 02, 2023, 06:30:45 pm »
Ok, got it.

I had the same issue when loading a new flight where I picked the same stand. Where I assume the aircraft will be positioned correctly. So I guess there's an issue with the scenery or maybe it doesn't even have moving jetways. Hard to know with no manual.

Will try some other gate next time and will keep it in the list of airports with disabled GSX jetways. Since that's where it ended up when pressing the exclude 3rd party button or whatever it's called on the GSX Pro config page.
Richard Åsberg


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Re: How to make MK Studios EFHK jetways work with GSX Pro
« Reply #3 on: March 03, 2023, 09:52:16 am »
I had the same issue when loading a new flight where I picked the same stand. Where I assume the aircraft will be positioned correctly.

You can't assume the airplane is parked correctly ( with "correctly", meaning a position that would result in the jetway working ), when starting a flight from the Main Menu because, when you start a flight from the Main Menu, the airplane is positioned by MSFS and GSX has no effect on this.

Your position will only be based on what's in the airport scenery file so, if the airplane used by the scenery developers is different than the one you are using, it might not be sure the jetway they might have tested to be working ( assuming they have tested it... ) will work on another airplane.

GSX might use a different positioning, because it tries to place any airplane with its own Main Exit on the same place ( resulting in different positions of the main gear on ground, like in real life ), so the GSX automatic calculation might work better. And, if you have a custom profile for that airport, hopefully whoever made the profile, has specified a custom Stop position too, which will work even better for jetways assuming, of course, whoever made the profile set it correctly and tested the jetway to be working so, the way GSX works, regardless which airplane was used to create the profile, it should work with almost every airplane, since GSX will place the Exit on the same predictable position, which will help solving the jetway.

This of course is valid even if you don't have a custom profile, so you can just set a custom Stop Position yourself, and use the test function in the Parking Editor ( NumPad 5 when editing a Parking ), to help you finding a good position that will work on that particular stand with that particular jetway.

That's why GSX has a "Reposition airplane", with the first option being "Reposition here". It's used to place the airplane in the "GSX position", instead of the "default position", since they are not usually the same.

All of this is of course explained in the GSX manual, the chapter named "Understanding the Stop Position" at Pages 44-45


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Re: How to make MK Studios EFHK jetways work with GSX Pro
« Reply #4 on: March 03, 2023, 09:56:53 am »
Thanks, will play around with it when I find some time.
Richard Åsberg