Products Support > Zurich V2 for MSFS

Missing FS-Traffic B777 and A380 AI Traffic due to small gate sizes

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Hello, I noted that there is no AI traffic under FS-Traffic for large aircraft’s as B777 and A380. I understood that AI traffic would only show up if the gate size is larger than the aircraft’s wingspans. The wingspans is 61m for the B777 and 80m for the A380.
I noted that the gate size radius for the heavy gates at LSZH is set to 28m. Therefore, such aircraft’s do not show up.

Is there a way to adjust the heavy gate size radius to more than 31m to see B777 and gate 67 to more than 40m to see the A380?

Thank you.

Kind regards,

I would appreciate this too since I cannot find a way to edit the afcad myself.

Thank you!!


The problem is only the A380, because I just checked now, and we have several gates large enough for 777/747, with a radius larger of 33+ meters:

E32, E26, E20, E33, E43, E49, E57, E67

If you checked the radius on GSX, it might be different because that's only used to drive the default vehicle starting position ( if it's not further customized ), but AI won't use that, what counts is the size in the airport .BGL which are surely enough for B747/B777, but I see we should add the ones for A380, which I think are only a couple.

Hm weird, I can see the A380 using FSTraffic injected by FSLTL. However, it's always at the wrong gate (E19, it should be at E67).

--- Quote ---but I see we should add the ones for A380, which I think are only a couple.
--- End quote ---

Could you PLEASE add airline coded parking while you're at it? Or at least decrypt the .BGL so we as a community could do it ourselves? Always seeing airlines at gates they shouldn't be at hurts my heart as a LSZH lover.

 You could also adjust the wingspan= entry in the aircraft.cfg for the A380 to match the 777-300ER or even smaller. Far easier to adjust the aircraft then it will work at far more airports worldwide.


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