Author Topic: 737/A32NX Stairs  (Read 2887 times)


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737/A32NX Stairs
« on: February 20, 2023, 12:14:24 pm »
Hi. I had another question regarding stairs. Why is it that sometimes the PMDG 737s load with the front stairs being the tow stairs and the rear stairs being the driving stairs, and other times both stairs load as the tow stairs? On the A32NX, I experience a similar phenomenon: sometimes both load as the drive stairs, sometimes both load as the tow stairs. What's going on?

On a separate note, is there a way to get the covered stairs to spawn without rain?


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Re: 737/A32NX Stairs
« Reply #1 on: February 22, 2023, 04:44:08 am »
I am quite annoyed with this, since I had to stop using the rear stairs altogether because it looked too weird when the stairs shows up as two different types. Anyone know?
As well, I found an old post for GSX for FSX/P3D and it ways to edit the sim.cfg for the stairs folder. First, there are TWO, one of which is cargo and one of which is "ladder". Last time I got on a plane with stairs, I don't recall using a ladder. And second, when I opened sim.cfg, it gave me a bunch of incomprehensible names - FSDT_Staircase_Small and FSDT_Staircase_1 (?) - and when I went into the model folders (Model_01) and attempted to open the model files to see what the different numbers meant in terms of the actual staircase, but the model wouldn't load in any program. Not Paint 3D, not Mixed Reality Viewer, nothing. And, editing the sim.cfg folder to make it that no stairs showed up except for the one type (by deleting the instructions for loading every other stair type except one) didn't to anything. Does anyone have any idea how I can fix this?

No matter how much it has improved, this version of GSX just isn't very good. Waste of $40, but I can't get it back, so might as well use what I got.


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Re: 737/A32NX Stairs
« Reply #2 on: February 23, 2023, 01:41:37 pm »
Just wandering do you get back any feedback from GSXPro?

I have same problem with PMDG 737-8 stairs loading automatically. Every single time I have to remove it over FMC  and then requesting jetways using game panel GSX Jetways request.


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Re: 737/A32NX Stairs
« Reply #3 on: February 25, 2023, 04:10:19 am »
1. what I'm talking about is GSX related and has nothing to do with the pmdg 737's default stairs.
2. No, if GSX had given me anything it would be here.
And 3. to fix your issue, follow any youtube tutorial on how to remove pmdg 737 stairs.