Author Topic: Could not find valid AFCAD data at this position, services are not available.  (Read 1576 times)


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Hello, I have received the message, Could not find valid AFCAD data at this position, services are not available. I have installed and re-installed GSX multiple times now and I just want to have it work. Not sure what else to do. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.


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    • VIRTUALI Sagl
Which airport ?

Where is bought from ? If it's bought on the Marketplace, have you enabled the SU10 Navdata API option ?


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For all airports. I've enabled the SU10 Navdata API option.


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    • VIRTUALI Sagl
All airports with that message and with the SU10 Navdata API enabled is basically impossible. Do you see any difference if you disable it instead ?


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Unfortunately, still getting the same could not find valid airport data at this position message with it enabled or disabled.


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    • VIRTUALI Sagl
Sorry but, I cannot reproduce this problem and nobody reported it this way ( at all airports ), the only issue I can think of, some files haven't been updated or are blocked by the antivirus/firewall so, try this:

- Disable the firewall

- Configure the antivirus to add the whole "Addon Manager" ( where you installed the FSDT Installer ) folder to the antivirus Exclusions

- Run the FSDT Updater again.


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Unfortunately, still isnt working with the same error message,


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I'm out of suggestions, other than a complete reinstall, which you said you already did, I have no other suggestions to provide. Please provide with an startup log, as explained here:,26759.0.html


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I've attached the log file. Thanks.


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    • VIRTUALI Sagl
I've attached the log file. Thanks.

You said you enabled the SU10 Navdata API option, but you log doesn't show you have, since it's trying to create the airport cache ( it won't, when the SU10 Navdata API is enabled ), and it's failing to do that, because it can't write on its own folder, which seems to indicate either:

- Antivirus interference

- File permission problem, which is not normal, since our installer set permission to write on the airport cache folder to all users in the system, so it shouldn't happen.

Some things you can try are:

- Restart Windows, and remove this folder:


Then run the FSDT Live Update again, so the updater will set the correct permissions again.

- Configure the antivirus to add the whole "Addon Manager" ( where you installed the FSDT Installer ) folder to the antivirus Exclusions

- Run the FSDT Updater again.

- Disable the SU10 Navdata API option, I know you said you tried, but your log shows you haven't so, be sure you are doing it, because an airport cache will not be used in that case, so any of the previous issues caused by the antivirus or wrong permissions, cannot possibly happen.