Author Topic: Jetway problems and traffic not showing  (Read 2650 times)


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Jetway problems and traffic not showing
« on: February 08, 2023, 11:21:17 pm »
I was having problems with the jetways missing on some payware airports, and also with JF traffic not showing when loading a flight. I was told by the developers that GSX was the culprit and that I should uninstall it. I did not uninstall it but I did disable it and it solved the problem. What is causing this problem? I want to be able to use GSX.


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Re: Jetway problems and traffic not showing
« Reply #1 on: February 09, 2023, 10:46:09 am »
set  the  fstraffic  ground  to fast turnaround  you most likely  got  it  set  to max


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Re: Jetway problems and traffic not showing
« Reply #2 on: February 09, 2023, 10:47:51 am »
I was told by the developers that GSX was the culprit and that I should uninstall it. I did not uninstall it but I did disable it and it solved the problem. What is causing this problem? I want to be able to use GSX.

The really told you GSX is the "culprit" ? Have you tried doing the opposite, and uninstall FS Traffic instead ? The problem will be fixed just the same so, is that proving FS Traffic is the culprit ?

The real problem is completely different, and it's the very well known problem of the maximum number of Simobjects the simulator can display, before things start to disappear. This has been discussed and acknowledged to be an issue on the MSFS forum, and on dense airports it's easily possible to reach the limit WITHOUT GSX, but it would still require to inject lots of traffic, because that's the most contributing factor to reaching the limit.

GSX, alone, cannot possibly reach this limit and, nobody even realized this could have been a problem before some AI traffic products came out and, opposite to what the FS Traffic developers are telling you, once those AI Traffic products came out ( they all came AFTER GSX ) we never said AI traffic products are the "culprit", because we alway provide with the truth, which is obviously a simulator limitation that seems to be inherited from FSX, when 1000 objects seemed to be an unreachable goal ( FSX would OOM long before that ), and it's a limitation only MS/Asobo can remove.

What you can do on GSX side is:

- Disable the "Ground Clutter" option in the GSX Config Panel, then run an Update. This will download a more lightweight version of the GSX Jetway replacement files which won't contain any more objects than the file they replaced ( just jetways ). Note that, this will help ONLY at default airports, the ones they have their jetways replaced by GSX.

- Lower the Passengers Density slider, which will reduce the number of objects visible at the same time.

Of course, the things you can do from FS Traffic side are far more effective because, obviously, it's FS Traffic the thing that contributes the most to reaching the objects limit so, you can do as follows:

- Reduce the overall traffic percentage.

- Use the FS Traffic configurator to Disable Ground services for AIs. This will be, by far, the most effective change you can do because, if ground services for AI are enabled, each parked AI can generate several extra objects around it.

Lots of users reports are coming, saying that, by disabling ( or reducing ) Ground services for AI in FS Traffic, you can use it together with GSX with no issue.

What I find shocking is, the FS Traffic developers, who clearly added that very useful option ( it must have taken some time to be added ), showing they must be aware of the maximum Simobject limit ( every developer is aware of it ), instead of telling you to try it, decided to put the blame on GSX instead.


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Re: Jetway problems and traffic not showing
« Reply #3 on: February 09, 2023, 08:05:41 pm »
I tried all those steps before contacting anyone. I unlinked GSX and immediately both problems, jetways not showing and FS traffic not showing, were fixed. So if after all those steps were taken and I have the same problem what should I do? I Won't uninstall several airports to solve the problem because it won't solve it. I will not uninstall FS traffic because after trying your suggestions it didn't work, so that just left me with the obvious next step, and the one that solved the problem. As i mentioned they suggested uninstalling completely GSX but I decided to just unlink which solved the problem. That leave us with the obvious question. How can I use your product without causing all these issues? By the way, they have been posted about on the MSFS forums and other forums.
You may say that GSX is not the problem but the only way I found to solve it was to disable it. I don't want to have a product I bough just to sit there so I would suggest todo a thorough research to find a solution. In all honesty, this is the only product I own from FSdreamTeam that is causing these issues.


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Re: Jetway problems and traffic not showing
« Reply #4 on: February 10, 2023, 09:09:37 am »
I tried all those steps before contacting anyone. I unlinked GSX and immediately both problems, jetways not showing and FS traffic not showing, were fixed.

It seems you are missing the point, entirely.

Instead of disabling GSX you should have disabled FS Traffic, and the result would have been EXACTLY the same because, of course, neither GSX or FS Traffic can probably reach the max Simobject limit in the sim on their own, but together they can.

In fact, I suspect you already know the answer, because I see you bought GSX months ago, way before FS Traffic came out and, since you never reported this problem before, it looks you KNOW GSX is not the cause of the problem but, opposite to what Justflight told you, I'm not saying it's all FS Traffic fault, I'm saying it's the combination of the two, and there are multiple reports from users that said their problems were fixed by following all the previous steps.

So if after all those steps were taken and I have the same problem what should I do? I Won't uninstall several airports to solve the problem because it won't solve it. I will not uninstall FS traffic because after trying your suggestions it didn't work, so that just left me with the obvious next step, and the one that solved the problem.

It's not very clear if you are reporting something that already happened, or you haven't tried it yet. And, that "I will not uninstall FS traffic" dogma it's just wrong: why it should be "obvious" the solution should be uninstalling GSX, when uninstalling FS Traffic would fix the problem just the same ?

As i mentioned they suggested uninstalling completely GSX but I decided to just unlink which solved the problem. That leave us with the obvious question. How can I use your product without causing all these issues? By the way, they have been posted about on the MSFS forums and other forums.

Just try simple procedure:

- Uninstall FS Traffic, leave just GSX

- Verify the problem will be fixed ( I'm sure you already know that, since you have been using GSX in months )

- Go to Justflight forum, and say exactly this:

"I uninstalled FS Traffic and left GSX active, and the problem with disappearing object is now gone. How can I use your product without causing all these issues? By the way, they have been posted about on the MSFS forums and other forums"

You may say that GSX is not the problem but the only way I found to solve it was to disable it.

And again, you would have obtained exactly the same result by disabling FS Traffic.

I don't want to have a product I bough just to sit there so I would suggest todo a thorough research to find a solution. In all honesty, this is the only product I own from FSdreamTeam that is causing these issues.

Your mistake is again assuming GSX is "causing this issues", which you know it's not the case, so I'll try to lay down the facts for you again:

- You have been using GSX for months, and never had this problem before.

- You just bought a product from Justflight now, and ran into the very well known problem of the MSFS Simobjects limit.

- It should be abundantly clear the problem is NOT "caused by GSX".

As I've said, using some kind of a simpleton reasoning, I might try to convince you ( like Justflight tried to ) that if you didn't had the problem before, and you only noticed after you bought FS Traffic, the cause MUST be FS Traffic, and that seems a reasonable explanation.

But I'm not like them, I know what's the real cause of the problem is, and it's a simulator limitation that must be dealt with, so it's nobody's fault, but as I already explained, there are ways in BOTH products to keep the number of objects under control and, again, most users seem to confirm they work, you are the first one ever saying that, even after applying all the suggestions ( are you sure you tried disabling the Ground services in FS Traffic ? ), it still doesn't work so, please, try again.

And, of course, try the first thing you had to try, before even coming here: Uninstall/Disable FS Traffic and keep GSX enabled. Just to convince you the cause is NOT GSX!


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Re: Jetway problems and traffic not showing
« Reply #5 on: February 13, 2023, 08:52:47 pm »
I tried everything you suggested and it didn't work!
It seems to me that the only "tech support " you're given me here is talk to the other developers. Guess what they said and I quote "Our product has been tested and it doesn't have any problems like the one you mentioned, you need to request tech support from fsdt" so here we are with a payware product on both sides, and no one wants to take responsibility! I also see you seem to get offended easily with just mentioning what others said. Thank you for nothing. >:(


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Re: Jetway problems and traffic not showing
« Reply #6 on: February 13, 2023, 09:28:14 pm »
I tried everything you suggested and it didn't work!

Then you are alone, since everybody else fixed it in the way I suggested.

It seems to me that the only "tech support " you're given me here is talk to the other developers.

Wrong, I gave you actual suggestions that worked for everybody.

Guess what they said and I quote "Our product has been tested and it doesn't have any problems like the one you mentioned, you need to request tech support from fsdt"

I could have said exactly the same, of course. But instead of washing my hands like they are doing, I gave you first the real explanation of the cause, and solutions that actually work.

no one wants to take responsibility!

Wrong again. As I've said, multiple times, the real issue is neither GSX nor FST, it's the simulation maximum object limit. Which is NOT happening with just GSX, and you know it, because you used it for months.

I also see you seem to get offended easily with just mentioning what others said. Thank you for nothing.

Wrong again. The ones who gave you "nothing" are Justflight, because they keep repeating their product is not the cause.

I gave you actual suggestions, including some that should have been supplied BY THEM, since are options in THEIR product designed exactly to ease on the number of objects limit, which suggest they are fully aware of the problem. How they couldn't be, considering it's very common knowledge ?

And you still haven't answered to my question:

Is the problem problem solved by uninstalling FS Traffic INSTEAD of GSX ?

Have you tried this ? Of course, other users tried it and, guess the result:,29237.msg190103.html#msg190103

FSTraffic seems to be the Problem, after removing it erverthing is visible again.