Author Topic: Flickering & Bleeding issue  (Read 50983 times)


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Flickering & Bleeding issue
« on: March 21, 2010, 09:14:21 am »
I have a fresh new install of both FSX and PHNL and i'm still having an issue of grass textures bleeding through 4R, it's pretty bad to the point where you can't see the runway at all.
Also have excessive shimmering on baggage carts, if i'm not mistaken wasn't this addressed in this latest update which i'm running 1.0.3?
I'm not using any mesh for the area either.


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Re: Flickering & Bleeding issue
« Reply #1 on: March 21, 2010, 11:13:04 am »
As was explained already, we just can't replicate this. I don't see any ground bleeding, either with the default mesh, or with the FS Genesis, provided the two mesh complexity sliders are set to 100, as explained in the patch readme.

However, the 100 level is needed only with the FS Genesis mesh, to allow our own higher-res mesh to be displayed and fix the FS Genesis one. With the default mesh, the mesh sliders can be set to lower values as well and, in both cases, there is no ground flickering or bleeding.

Note that, this can also an video drivers issue, like a problem with the Z-buffer settings, that might be either bugged in the drivers, or might have been wrongly set by some tweak utilities.

Also, remember the scenery is only compatible with DirectX 9.
« Last Edit: March 21, 2010, 11:18:53 am by virtuali »


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Re: Flickering & Bleeding issue
« Reply #2 on: March 21, 2010, 07:11:22 pm »
Well i've done everything underscored by you not just in this post but another one that addresses the mesh issue and still the problem is there, not too sure what else can be done here?

Here's a shot

Funny how this only happens on approach, it doesn't seem to rare it's ugly head when your leaving.
« Last Edit: March 21, 2010, 09:30:01 pm by virtuali »


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Re: Flickering & Bleeding issue
« Reply #3 on: March 21, 2010, 09:31:08 pm »
Can you check what happens if, when the problem surfaces, if you stop the sim in Slew mode and wait some time, if it goes away ?


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Re: Flickering & Bleeding issue
« Reply #4 on: March 23, 2010, 11:35:00 am »
Can you check what happens if, when the problem surfaces, if you stop the sim in Slew mode and wait some time, if it goes away ?

OK, so i tried what you suggested and "no can do" same problem the texture bleed just stays there.


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Re: Flickering & Bleeding issue
« Reply #5 on: March 23, 2010, 04:24:14 pm »
Same Problem here...


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Re: Flickering & Bleeding issue
« Reply #6 on: March 23, 2010, 04:28:23 pm »
I can only confirm, it doesn't happens here.

Note, this is not something that can be created only by another mesh. It can also be created by another AFCAD with a slightly different altitude.

Check you don't have any other AFCAD files for PHNL, other than the one we supply, and the MS default. If you have more than these two, remove all the extra. Also, check you are using the AFCAD as we supplied, not a modified version.


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Re: Flickering & Bleeding issue
« Reply #7 on: March 23, 2010, 07:13:58 pm »
I can only confirm, it doesn't happens here.

Note, this is not something that can be created only by another mesh. It can also be created by another AFCAD with a slightly different altitude.

Check you don't have any other AFCAD files for PHNL, other than the one we supply, and the MS default. If you have more than these two, remove all the extra. Also, check you are using the AFCAD as we supplied, not a modified version.

I can absolutely confirm no other afcads, like i stated in an earlier post i have a brand new install from OS to FSX and i ran it w/ just FSDT sceneries that i purchased so i could elimante any conflicts, i don'teven have mesh for hawaii installed just AC and ai traffic, although i did notice that i have a new start location ever since installing My Traffic today. I even ran a tool for double afcads just in case but came up blank.


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Re: Flickering & Bleeding issue
« Reply #8 on: March 23, 2010, 11:32:10 pm »
although i did notice that i have a new start location ever since installing My Traffic today.

Since the only place where a start location can be specified it's inside the AFCAD, if this has changed at PHNL after installing My Traffic, you have at least a duplicate AFCAD, which is the My Traffic AFCAD for PHNL, and it's taking precedence, otherwise you wouldn't had noticed the change of the start location.

If this has a even slightly different ground altitude than ours, it surely can create that problem.


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Re: Flickering & Bleeding issue
« Reply #9 on: March 24, 2010, 12:08:24 am »
Yes but i only installed MY Traffix this morning, this issue has been going on since i installed the PHNL scenery, long before My Traffic. You are right about afcads w/ My Traffic but it's been removed and still the problem persists.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2010, 12:13:04 am by 9Y-POS »


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Re: Flickering & Bleeding issue
« Reply #10 on: March 24, 2010, 12:13:37 am »
That doesn't change the fact that now another AFCAD is taking precedence at PHNL. So, please, remove it and check again.


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Re: Flickering & Bleeding issue
« Reply #11 on: March 24, 2010, 01:48:17 pm »
That doesn't change the fact that now another AFCAD is taking precedence at PHNL. So, please, remove it and check again.

so no double afcad, no mesh, and still texture bleeding persists, can an adjustment be made to the PHNL afcad "elevation" to try to eradicate this problem?


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Re: Flickering & Bleeding issue
« Reply #12 on: March 24, 2010, 07:24:18 pm »
so no double afcad, no mesh, and still texture bleeding persists

These are just the most *common* causes. However, it can be also any BGL, not just an AFCAD, it would be enough if if contained only a single runway.

can an adjustment be made to the PHNL afcad "elevation" to try to eradicate this problem?

The PHNL afcad elevation is already correct, and there's also a VTP flatten which is also correct, and there's also a very high res mesh, which is entirely flat, to the corrected airport elevation. The mesh is even purposely set to be slightly *below* the airport elevation, in order to be sure to eliminate any mesh problems. Usually, you have these issue, when a mesh is exactly at the same airport elevation or slightly above, maybe only parts of it.

Also, you said yourself the problem doesn't appear when departing, only when landing.

If it was something wrong in the scenery, it should appear in both cases. There's no such thing as a "departing elevation" or "landing elevation". There's just *the* elevation, and it can be either always wrong, or always right. If it doesn't work in one direction only, it might be also an FSX bug that we can't do anything about it, as if not being able to load the hires mesh (it's 4.75 mt/pixels, but entirely flat of course) only when approaching.


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Re: Flickering & Bleeding issue
« Reply #13 on: March 25, 2010, 02:08:06 pm »
Fresh install of FSX with Acceleration. Have FSG mesh, slider at 100. Only scenery for area is FSDT PHNL. I get this as well. Landed on 8L and expereienced this issue. Horrible looking bleed through. Never seen this with any other FSDT scenery. This is on Window 7 x64. No AI traffic either. I remember last year when Imaginesim came out with KATL. They had this issue with part of their scenery. I believe it was around runway 10/28. It got fixed but I don't remember how it was done. So this issue does crop up now and then.

Went back and found the post on avsim where afcad maker Jim Vile found the texture bleed through problem with KATL (its post # 115):
« Last Edit: March 25, 2010, 02:32:36 pm by B777ER »


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Re: Flickering & Bleeding issue
« Reply #14 on: March 25, 2010, 02:35:38 pm »
Obvious question here: does it happen if you disable FSG Mesh ?