Author Topic: Just a minor suggestion about Flight Crew and Pilots deboarding and boarding  (Read 879 times)


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This is concerning GSX Pro in MSFS 2020

Just a little thing, but one of the things that always bothered me about watching the Crew and Pilots deboarding and boarding is that they always move in a single file sequence spaced apart so everyone is walking alone.  It's like the flight crew all don't like each other and the pilots are not on speaking terms LoL!

Is it an easy fix to get all four flight attendants to walk as a group as I always see them doing on every flight I've ever been on in real life?  And the pilots walking side by side?  It would just make for a more cooperative simulated scene, and go a long way toward immersion  :)

Loving everything about GSX Pro :)
« Last Edit: February 04, 2023, 07:44:36 am by dho112 »