Hi Umberto,
with GSX Pro some cool new features have finally been added - most recently Remote De-Icing!
However, I have been asking myself for a long time whether it would not be possible to create a way to address GSX externally and make it controllable, especially for VATSIM pilots.
My idea:I fly as a pilot on VATSIM and fly from one event airport to another event airport. For example: Frankfurt to London Heathrow. Frankfurt not only offers PDC (Pre Departure Clearence) but also assigns EOBT (estimated off-block times) for the pilots to match the Frankfurt-ATC planning.
So I get my PDC with the SID, the EOBT. Now it would be very innovative if this PDC could be intercepted by GSX via a plugin or another possibility (e.g. Hoppie, which most addons use/support for PDC) and the SID + the EOBT is also shown on the VDGS display as cleared by the controller (from VATSIM). Just like its already working with simbrief.
I would imagine the same for the Arrival. For Frankfurt, for example, there is a plug-in/tool for VATSIM controllers which automatically selects a suitable gate according to my callsign, aircraft type and airport from where I am coming and assigns it to me. This means that no controller has any more work assigning a gate to me.
Is it not possible to pull this gate out of the tool after leaving the runway (below 50kts) or the tool sends this gate to GSX with one click of the controller and it is automatically activated in GSX?
Like, I leave the runway, make my initial taxi and once the controller can confirm that the gate is available and correct, he can maybe assign it "finally" to me with a mouse-click in their ATC-program.
And the controller could, for example, even request a follow me for me when I reach the apron and tell me "Follow the follow me".
Another idea I have since a long time in my head, bigger airports have special taxi operations active when its foggy for example. An easy taxi instruction could be: "Speedbird 13 Romeo, taxi holding point xyz, follow the greens." And you will see the green taxi-lines are activated for that special taxi route. I know that this is almost impossible but wouldn't it be possible to at least get taxi-in lights specially activated once you select your arrival stand/gate?
GSX already know:
- where is the taxiway (pushback to the line)
- weather (rain, snow, cold, sun)
- taxi-in line + the hold position for the parking)
So it would be just to add special lights from the taxiway until the parking position to have "guided taxi-in lights" in special fog/night/rain conditions. And I think, even airport have this kind of "guided taxi-in lights" feature.
This is what I am thinking off.

It would be really cool if GSX could be controlled. I don't know if this is technically possible, probably also lot of work is needed on the ATC tool too, but I wanted to get the idea off my chest. Maybe you can do something with it and it would be possible in principle.
Thank you very much!