Author Topic: only getting 14 passengers using fenix  (Read 1481 times)


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only getting 14 passengers using fenix
« on: January 31, 2023, 01:34:35 pm »
Not  a  biggy but   was  wondering  why iam  getting  14  passengers in loading  sim brief i  load 100,  but  when i choose  to deboard it  unloads  correctly  the  amount  i set in sim brief.  I dont  thin  fstraffic got  anything  to  do  with it  it  might  since  this  appear   after  i  installed  fstraffic. using  fenix  and  at airports ypph, yscb, egkk, yssy

Edit ok  now  it  back  to  normal  again,  only  differance  that i had  noticed  is  that  when i select board  now  within  gsx  i  get a  simbrief ok in  green at  the  bottom   didnt  get  that  before
« Last Edit: January 31, 2023, 10:08:51 pm by pete_auau »


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Re: only getting 14 passengers using fenix
« Reply #1 on: January 31, 2023, 03:18:10 pm »
14 pax seems to be a "magic Number".

@Umberto: do you remember that I asked you why GSX loads 14 pax although I set the pax number to 0 in Simbrief? (I do NOT use FS Traffic, btw)
My GSX test scenario (unless otherwise stated):
Sandbox environment
GSX v 2.9.1 (as of 20 Jan 2023)
Fenix A320, PMDG 737-800, ATR-72
EDDL (JustSim), EDDK (Aerosoft), both not Marketplace
GSX jetways disabled
no AI traffic
no antivirus or firewall software running
all apps started in admin mode


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Re: only getting 14 passengers using fenix
« Reply #2 on: February 01, 2023, 08:36:18 am »
14 is not a "magic number", it's probably derived by a default startup payload of some airplane which, as clearly explained in the manual, drives the calculation in GSX, by dividing the payload by 220 lbs, which is what happens when Simbrief data is missing for any reason.


Edit ok  now  it  back  to  normal  again,  only  differance  that i had  noticed  is  that  when i select board  now  within  gsx  i  get a  simbrief ok in  green at  the  bottom   didnt  get  that  before

You should always check the Simbrief status, if you want to be sure the data matches. If it's not green, no Simbrief integration will take place ( which affects the Pax number, the VGDS and remote Deicing ), and when it's red, a text below will tell why.