Author Topic: Boarding gates at downloaded airports do not match those of GSX  (Read 1054 times)


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Boarding gates at downloaded airports do not match those of GSX
« on: January 31, 2023, 02:42:36 am »

I have several airports downloaded (SACO/SAZY/SAWH/SCEL/SKBO) when I choose a boarding gate from GSX it doesn't match the ones from the airport. Neither in door number nor in position at the airport.

Thank you

Best regards

Luciano Milione


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Re: Boarding gates at downloaded airports do not match those of GSX
« Reply #1 on: January 31, 2023, 10:06:45 am »
When the gates name don't match, and the scenery is not bought from the MS Marketplace ( it's not clear what you mean with "downloaded", I assume they are freeware ? ), the most common case it's a scenery conflict so, you need to do as follows:

First, be sure the conflict is not caused by GSX jetway replacement files. Those files are only mean to be used with default airports, if you have an add-on airport for that airport, you must Disable the GSX jetway replacement files. This process is done automatically by GSX in those situations:

- When you first install GSX.

- When you update GSX.

- When you click the "Exclude 3rd party button" in the GSX Config panel.

This means you must do one of the above if you install a scenery AFTER GSX.

However, the automatic recognition of 3rd party product only works if the airport package follows the official naming standard from the SDK, that is developer-airport-ICAO-airportname. Most freeware don't follow this naming convention, so they won't be automatically excluded, which means you need to add its ICAO manually on the same page.

If you are sure all the 3rd party airports ICAO are in the "Disabled" list, then the conflict might be caused by another scenery, in this case the troubleshooting process is completely different, depending if you use the "SU10 Navdata API" option or not:

If the "SU10 Navdata API" option is DISABLED ( default for GSX ), you should check if GSX has read the correct .BGL that comes with the scenery, by opening the Airport customization page and check the name of the loaded .BGL. The most common reason for GSX not having read the correct file, is because it's too big, which is a common issue with freeware scenery that put everything in a single .BGL instead of splitting the airport with the rest of the objects, like most commercial products do.

The default max size GSX use to consider a .BGL to be an airport (to speed up searching) in MSFS is 20MB, but if your files are bigger, then might be excluded. Adding a line with this:

airportCacheMaxBGLSizeBytes = xxxxxxx

in the %APPDATA%\Virtuali\Couatl_MSFS.ini

where xxxxx is the maximum size in BYTES ( meaning 40MB should be 40000000 ), which you need to set to be larger than that scenery airport .BGL size.

If the "SU10 Navdata API" option is ENABLED

In this case, GSX will not read any .BGL but, instead, it will read data about the airport from Simconnect, so if you still see gates not matching, provided you are sure you have Disabled the GSX Jetway replacement files for that airport, you might have a conflict caused by another scenery. The only solution in this case is fix the conflict.


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Re: Boarding gates at downloaded airports do not match those of GSX
« Reply #2 on: February 01, 2023, 01:20:09 pm »

The scenery have been bought from the MS Marketplace, of course !!


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Re: Boarding gates at downloaded airports do not match those of GSX
« Reply #3 on: February 01, 2023, 01:24:38 pm »
The scenery have been bought from the MS Marketplace, of course !!

Which means you have less lines to read in my reply because:

- assuming you Enabled the SU10 Navdata API option in GSX ( required for Marketplace airport )

- assuming you Disable the scenery from GSX jetway replacement ( required if the airport is not default )

if you still have non matching gates after doing BOTH these required operation, you can then be sure the problem doesn't have anything to do with GSX, and it's a conflict between sceneries.