Author Topic: Fenix NW STEER DISENG stuck if airport sloping cause a too high jump on Pushback  (Read 3196 times)


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I am at the gate I have spent a long time setting up my flight, Fenix A320.

I request push back, and it starts to push back great., Then probably because of the scenery at the hand crafted LPMA the plane jumps and the pushback stops the Tug disappears and I now have a plane stuck in NW STEER DISENG and I can no longer steer the plane! The Fenix EFB will not remove the tug and GSX Keeps saying I have to stop the engines! I requested pushback via GSX, why are you blocking the menu and not even allowing me to do anything? I restarted coutal or whatever its called, still would not let me do anything!

Why, why do you not think about these things and offer an option to just restart or end the push back anyway? Planes are tugged with engines running all the time? You make a great a piece of software, but you need to think about things you can not control and not leave the user stuck, I am getting so fed up of all this! Now I have to restart, I see no way to enable or override the NW Steering so my plane is stuck? This is honestly the kind thing of thing that just makes me want to give up! I cant be bothered it is a waste of time!
« Last Edit: January 30, 2023, 05:31:51 pm by virtuali »


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Why, why do you not think about these things and offer an option to just restart or end the push back anyway?

You are assuming we haven't "thought" about that, when in fact it's exactly the opposite, and the pushback has TWO different ways to end: Abort and End. What's happening here, is something completely different:

the plane jumps and the pushback stops the Tug disappears

This seems to indicate the scenery had a bump/slope so big, that might have caused the flight model to "fly" for a second, hence the jump, and this might have caused the Tug to disconnect, because GSX assumed you flew away intentionally.

Them there's another issue, which instead is the "NW STEER DISENG", which I GUESS ( I can't possibly know, but it's likely the case, considering how the Fenix works ), it's a Fenix custom system so, it's not something we could control, even in case we had to remove the tug to because of that abnormal jump.

The only thing we can do, is checking if, when this happens, all the various variables published by GSX for aircraft developers to recognize GSX current state, are correctly updated even in that particular case, so they can possibly update all their affected systems, which we don't have any way to control.

I edited this thread title with a more appropriate description of the problem because, "I'm sick of this", won't help any other user finding it in the future.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2023, 05:32:53 pm by virtuali »


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Which LVar oder other is GSX using for pushback? What is triggering the "NW STRG DISC" ... i ask because it happens frome time to time that PB has to be stopped and the fenix remeins with "NW STRG DISC" ... to get the plane moveable i want to place a Button on my Stremdeck but i cant find how to access this.... so GSX is triggering this, but how ?

Edit ... a short video shows what the issue with aborting pushback .... if you abort the pushback outside of the "gate range" you cant continue the pushback and you cant get rid of the invisible tug and the steering pin ... only way is to warp back to the gate .... on vatsim a no go ... but sometimes you have to stop pushing back....

Possible to make "continue pb everywhere after aborting" possible ?

« Last Edit: March 24, 2023, 10:28:03 am by FerrevmVnion »


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I found the solution to get the fenix steerable after "aborting pushback"

Sending an LVar -> L:FSDT_VAR_Frozen = 0 und the unvisible tug is disconnected and also the ecam message disappears


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Just had this issue at EGGD, Really annoying as i spent 50 minutes pre flight for this, Asked Fenix for help but they said they have no control apparently. An option to toggle NW strg would be helpful just incase GSX crashes during pushback or anything along those lines happens.

Really infuritating


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just incase GSX crashes during pushback or anything along those lines happens.

If GSX crashes, if you restart it, it will automatically reset to 0 all its own variables, which means if the airplane is checking the FSDT_VAR_Frozen to know when to restore NWS, it should catch up with it as soon as GSX restarts.

In addition to that, in today's update (2.4.4), we added an extra check to ensure that FSDT_VAR_Frozen variable is set to 0 if Pushback is aborted instead of just stopped or ended.


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Ah will check the update .....later today?

But now i configured my streamdeck button^^

« Last Edit: March 25, 2023, 12:35:28 am by FerrevmVnion »