Author Topic: Remote de-ice on already defined parking position  (Read 830 times)


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Remote de-ice on already defined parking position
« on: January 22, 2023, 06:25:55 pm »

I tried to tinker a little bit with remote de-icing through the ini file and I was able to set up a remote de-icing parking spot.

However, on my scenery (MK studios Helsinki), for stand 600 there is already a parking spot defined on the scenery itself. So when I get my aircraft parked for the de-ice spot, it recognises the stand I am parked as a regular stand and requests and I am unable to request de-icing with engines running.

Is there any way currently around this, like overriding existing scenery parking positions if a remote parking position is defined on the same spot? Or would the only way be that the scenery creator removes the parking positions from his scenery altogether for the remote de-icing areas?


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Re: Remote de-ice on already defined parking position
« Reply #1 on: January 22, 2023, 06:55:18 pm »
You might trying playing with the parking center and radius, the Stop position, the deicing area radius and, most importantly, the "Distance Threshold" parameter of that particular gate.

Your goal is to set the radius of the Parking and the Deice area in a way they won't overlap, and adjust the Distance Threshold ( which is what makes GSX decides if you a "in" a parking ) if required, so GSX will recognize the parking and the deice areas as different non-overlapping zones.


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Re: Remote de-ice on already defined parking position
« Reply #2 on: January 22, 2023, 07:30:36 pm »
Thank you. I was able to disable the parking spots by setting all the values you mentioned to 0 for these stands.