Author Topic: Passenger Boarding with the Cessna 310R  (Read 886 times)


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Passenger Boarding with the Cessna 310R
« on: January 22, 2023, 02:29:35 am »
Tried to set up the Blackbird Cessna 310R for GSX (I know not normal but have done with other GA aircraft)...everything (pushback, marshaller & fueling) works as normal except passenger boarding.  Tried 3 different airports and 4 different Ramps/Gates.  None had jetways.  Disabled bus and set up walk on boarding and also tried with bus.  Airports were 7XS0 (default), parking 6...KSAF, Ramp 28 and Gate 4 (KSAF had the airport mod from, no jet way) and KNEW (default), Ramp 100.  I've used both the Sim "Weight and Balance" loading page and the blackbird tablet (not at the same time) difference.

Get announcement that "Boarding has started", Pushback Tug appears in place and GSX asks if I want to board Pilots and Crew (tried Yes & No)...then. if using the bus, it shows up and doors open but no one comes out although GSX shows boarding numbers progressing...but very quickly.  If using a Walk-On Ramp the barriers show up and I get the announcement that Pilots/Crew/Passengers are boarding but they don't show up.  However...on the Walk-On Ramps the gate agent does walk out...but he is the only one.

As I said...I've set up other GA aircraft, both default and payware, and GSX passenger boarding works.

Any help?



PS: I would gladly pay for an enhancement add-on that would serve GA aircraft.