Developer's Backdoor > Houston Backdoor


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I do have a question tho in regards to C 14 W I see you have a C 14 W for wide body aircraft however I don't see anything in GSX Pro to allow me set that gate up for aircraft as it's not listed inside GSX Pro.. Is there anyway to utilize that gate ?  Seeing you have it there in scenery.. Just I see no GSX Pro info for it to do anything as far as setting it up for aircraft.  14 there and work but nothing to make available to do any wide body on 14 W which the W is for Wide body J Line..

C14 W is of course part of a MARS gate, and they are not supported by the simulator, because you just can't place overlapping position without causing issues with AI and AI ground services. Since we are planning to update GSX in the future to have its own support for MARS gates, that would work bypassing the standard system, it wasn't really worth adding that gate, and cause issues with AI, unless you renounced to C14.

Considering the lack of heavy airplanes in MSFS right now, it was best giving priority to the non-heavy gate.

Copy... So Later when GSX is updated the W gates will work.. Copy that.. Thanks for the answer.  I don't always get on here every day..  So sorry if late reply.


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