Author Topic: Occasional issue with refuelling PMDG 737  (Read 1089 times)


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Occasional issue with refuelling PMDG 737
« on: January 19, 2023, 02:54:20 am »
This isn't a new issue, I've experienced this on the P3D version as well.

When refuelling the 737, waiting for the response to "please use your aircraft to set fuel amount" prompt - sometimes after you enter it, it doesn't work and you keep getting the response repeated.

I have found it usually happens if you enter the fuel amount directly, whereas entering a percentage will normally work.

I almost always have metric units set for fuel.

My theory is when you enter the metric number, PMDG does a conversion to pounds, and then back again, which will result in a slight difference in metric, often very slightly less.  Possibly GSX is picking this up as a lower fuel number and thus doesn't think fuel has been set.

Or it could be something completely different.

It's only a small thing - but any way to fix this for good?  The work around using percentages seems to work, but it would be nice not to have to do the maths.



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Re: Occasional issue with refuelling PMDG 737
« Reply #1 on: January 19, 2023, 05:54:55 pm »
It's only a small thing - but any way to fix this for good?  The work around using percentages seems to work, but it would be nice not to have to do the maths.

If that's the reason, it will likely fixed in the "Fuel update" ( the next update after the "Remove Deice update" due very shortly ), which will allow Defueling too so, even if the fuel will decrease, GSX will still consider it as a proper trigger to start its animation.