Author Topic: Multiple runways for landing and deparating  (Read 26551 times)


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Re: Multiple runways for landing and deparating
« Reply #15 on: May 07, 2010, 11:25:19 am »
Just made a test: without any wind, it assigns 4R by default, with the chance to select 4L as an alternative. With a 24 kts wind from 100, it assigns 8R by default, with the chance to select 8L.


Ok, I think I've found what it was, a typo in the heading in one of the fake crosswind runways must have crept in (strange, because the FS9 version was fine)

Try the attached updated AFCAD:
« Last Edit: April 28, 2011, 09:39:49 pm by virtuali »


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Re: Multiple runways for landing and deparating
« Reply #16 on: May 09, 2010, 01:11:56 am »
Thanks for fixing that.... So if I read what you just wrote correctly in the other thread, about "DeleteAllApproaches="False, if I add any parking codes to the afcad file, the approaches are then lost? Is there any way to get around that? There are a lot of parking codes missing, especially for cargo traffic, in PHNL.


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Re: Multiple runways for landing and deparating
« Reply #17 on: May 09, 2010, 04:04:29 pm »
about "DeleteAllApproaches="False, if I add any parking codes to the afcad file, the approaches are then lost?

I've noted this behaviour with ADE: if you open a .BGL that had DeleteAllApproaches set to False, and save it back, even without doing anything, it gets saved with that parameter set back to True. There's a page in ADE to set those parameters, but I always seen it as locked/greyed out. Not sure if it was made on purpose, it's a bug, or it has been fixed/changed in recent releases, though.

there any way to get around that? There are a lot of parking codes missing, especially for cargo traffic, in PHNL.

Yes, the fix is very easy: activate the option in ADE to save the XML source code of the airport, then edit the saved XML and fix the DeleteAllApproaches manually, then compile the XML in BGL, using the MS bglcomp.


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Re: Multiple runways for landing and deparating
« Reply #18 on: May 12, 2010, 08:53:16 am »

I grew up in Hawaii and lived there from 1970 to 1995.  I also learned to fly in Hawaii and did my PPL training from PHNL in 1992-1993.  Here is what I remember about PHNL runway usage (it could well be different now, but I doubt it):

1) Winds are from the east 80% or more of the year (Trade Winds).
2) Due to prevailing winds 8L is used for landing and inter-island flight departures (single-isle and smaller aircraft).  8R is used for departures only - usually, the heavies depart from 8R (reef runway)
3) SOME airliners land on 4R, on occasion, but NEVER takeoff from 4R.  The 4s are there for GA and smaller aircraft most of the time.
4) When the wind is from the west (Kona winds/Kona weather - hot, sticky and humid), or when seabreezes kick in, the 26s ARE used.  26L has an LDA approach and is used to land all airliners.  26R will be used for takeoffs mostly, and perhaps landing some GA aircraft. Maybe, sometimes, the 22s are used to land light aircraft.

Therefore, in summary, during most of the year, PHNL runway ops are as follows:

8L - landing and interisland takeoffs
8R - International, heavy, and mainland-bound takeoffs
4R - Occasional landing
4L - GA use only
26L - LDA approach on non-tradewind days.
26R - takeoffs on non-tradewind days.


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Re: Multiple runways for landing and deparating
« Reply #19 on: May 13, 2010, 05:54:39 am »
edit: nevermind, figured out myself with your instructions how to get the approaches back. Thanks!!
« Last Edit: May 13, 2010, 06:34:06 am by big_al »


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Re: Multiple runways for landing and deparating
« Reply #20 on: July 24, 2010, 08:04:38 pm »

Therefore, in summary, during most of the year, PHNL runway ops are as follows:

8L - landing and interisland takeoffs
8R - International, heavy, and mainland-bound takeoffs
4R - Occasional landing
4L - GA use only
26L - LDA approach on non-tradewind days.
26R - takeoffs on non-tradewind days.

One thing to add...late at night (Military/cargo ops) they prefer to have us land on 4R, I assume for noise abatement.  I also noticed during RWY 26 ops that the Hawaiian inter-island flights sidestep off the LDA 26L approach to 26R.


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Re: Multiple runways for landing and deparating
« Reply #21 on: April 28, 2011, 01:14:27 pm »
Hi virtuali

I have just recently bought Honolulu for FSX and it sits on top of all other scenery. 

I'm also experiencing 4R being the sole runway in use and after about 10 different flights I am always asked to take off or land on 4R.  All approaching traffic is vectored onto 4R too so I'm seeing significant go arounds.  I hear what you say about the approaches being the deafult approaches but I'm certainly not experiencing multiple runways being in use for takeoffs and landings.

I don't know how to tinker or change AFCADs so I am only reporting on what the FSDT installation has done at Honolulu.

In your post above you attach a new AFCAD to fix the problem (AP_PHNL.BGL).  Having just bought Honolulu FSX in April 2011 should I try the AFCAD in your message above?

I can't find a file of that name so not sure where I would place the above AFCAD file and whether it would replace the existing one?  What would my current AFCAD file be called?

Thanks for your help and thanks for a great Honolulu :)


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Re: Multiple runways for landing and deparating
« Reply #22 on: April 28, 2011, 07:41:09 pm »
This thread is 1 year old, the scenery has been updated a couple of times, and that AFCAD is not needed. I'll have a look at the current AFCAD, to see if that bug crept in again.


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Re: Multiple runways for landing and deparating
« Reply #23 on: April 28, 2011, 07:45:23 pm »
Interesting.  I thought I was going crazy.  I've had PHNL for over a year, and it was working fine with multiple runways.  I just recently reinstalled to a new system I built, and now I'm seeing the same thing... 4R being the only available for landing or departing.  I downloaded the latest version of PHNL from FSDreamteam, so I didn't use the installer and updates from before.  Perhaps this updated AFCAD is needed, although I would think it's already included in the latest build.  Not sure.

I forgot about this updated AFCAD, so to fix it for now, I edited the existing AFCAD with AFX, and forced the traffic onto 8L and 8R.  I would rather get it back to the multiple runways working.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


« Last Edit: April 28, 2011, 07:49:33 pm by virtuali »


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Re: Multiple runways for landing and deparating
« Reply #24 on: April 28, 2011, 07:49:10 pm »
Please, DO NOT use this file with the current version of the scenery, because it will make the ground flickering again. As I've said in my previous message, we'll have a look at the new AFCAD to check for the runways.


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Re: Multiple runways for landing and deparating
« Reply #25 on: April 28, 2011, 09:42:43 pm »
I've checked the file supplied with the current version of the scenery, and it's all fine. Be sure you have only one AFCAD in your fsdreamteam\PHNL\scenery folder, named AFX_PHNL.BGL.

The previous version was named AP_PHNL.BGL, the update installer removes it and replace it with the new one but, if you managed files manually, it easy to get confused. I've replaced the attached file in the forum with the current version, it's basically the same of the update installer, but might work slightly better (you shouldn't see the fake runways listed anymore)


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Re: Multiple runways for landing and deparating
« Reply #26 on: April 29, 2011, 08:35:22 pm »

    I am not trying to beat a dead horse, but when I go to airports (phnl)  there are only two runways listed, where are the others.   I also noticed a number of gates are missing.  Do you have another file?



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Re: Multiple runways for landing and deparating
« Reply #27 on: April 30, 2011, 11:08:44 am »
    I am not trying to beat a dead horse, but when I go to airports (phnl)  there are only two runways listed

Doesn't happen here, I can see all the runways in the Go to Airports menu, and if I ask ATC to takeoff, I'm given 8L by default (I had no wind), and I ask from the ATC menu to be assigned to 8R, 4L and 4R.

As I've said in my previous message, be sure you are using the AFCAD posted here, and be sure you don't have another AFCAD in the PHNL folder (named AP_PHNL.BGL) and be sure you don't have another AFCAD coming from another product in any of the FSX folders.

Use the free FSX Airport Scanner to find AFCAD duplicates.


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Re: Multiple runways for landing and deparating
« Reply #28 on: May 02, 2011, 04:39:37 pm »
Thanks virtuali

That new file works for me - takeoffs and landings are now on separate runways!

Good job!


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Re: Multiple runways for landing and deparating
« Reply #29 on: May 02, 2011, 07:33:22 pm »
Thanks virtuali

That new file works for me - takeoffs and landings are now on separate runways!

Good job!

So far, it looks better for me as well, but I need to test more.

