Author Topic: No Marshall  (Read 1514 times)

Al Boulianne

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No Marshall
« on: December 09, 2022, 07:27:04 pm »

I never seen a Marshall when arriving to the gate. Everything else work fine.  Any ideas how to fixe it?



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Re: No Marshall
« Reply #1 on: December 12, 2022, 05:49:27 pm »
Not obviously possible with such a sparse description of the problem. You don't say:

- which airport you are on, if it's default or 3rd party, and if it is, if it's bought on the Marketplace

- if it's bought on the Marketplace, if you enabled the SU10 Navdata option, which is required for these airport

- if you have a GSX custom profile for that airport, either made by yourself or download

- which airplane you used

- which gate you used, if it has a jetway or not

Also, the marshaller might have possibly be inside a building ( this depends by the airplane and how the airport is made ), and the manual explains how to fix this, either by setting the Max Marhsaller distance in the parking configuration page, or setting the Marhaller explicit position in the customization editor.

Al Boulianne

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Re: No Marshall
« Reply #2 on: January 13, 2023, 02:32:19 pm »
This is the answered:
- which airport you are on, if it's default or 3rd party, and if it is, if it's bought on the Marketplace[/u]
(A) all free in MSFS, FSDream, Fly Tampa, Flightbeam, Lavinvfr etc...

- if it's bought on the Marketplace, if you enabled the SU10 Navdata option, which is required for these airport
(A) Simmarket, Orbix, Contrail,

- if you have a GSX custom profile for that airport, either made by yourself or download
(A) Some by download and some by myself

- which airplane you used
(A) Only PMDG Boeings

- which gate you used, if it has a jetway or not
(A) only gates with jetway.

Hope this will help? and I also have the last update.


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Re: No Marshall
« Reply #3 on: January 13, 2023, 05:22:40 pm »
Your reply is still very generic, instead of indicating a precise case on a specific scenery using a specific profile.

As I've said in my last reply, the marshaller might have possibly be inside a building ( this depends by the airplane and how the airport is made ), and the manual explains how to fix this, either by setting the Max Marshaller distance in the parking configuration page, or setting the Marshaller explicit position in the customization editor.

Al Boulianne

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Re: No Marshall
« Reply #4 on: January 13, 2023, 07:58:16 pm »
I finally found the problem. I need to request the gate after landing each time.

Thanks appreciate your patience. Great program.
