Author Topic: Different problems and Bugs  (Read 1927 times)


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Different problems and Bugs
« on: January 09, 2023, 05:59:00 pm »
Ok guys, I really hope to solve this issue because I made 6 flight with GSX and none of them gone well!

Aircraft used: PMDG 737 and FENIX A320

Problem 1: During the installation, and also during the second reinstallation, I received different error mesages that was telling me that a folder was not empy, the error windows had as title "Delete Folder". This error message came up at least 10 times!

Problem 2: In 2 different Airport (Cancun and Orlando) for GSX there weren't places big enough for my a320! (a bit strange)

Problem 3: The loaded plan never matches the one on simbrief, but I never load anything, so I don't know where to start to solve this.

Problem 4: on 6 figlth for 3 times during the descent phase GSX stop to work and he stuck on "loading" when I press the GSX icon on the topbar.

Problem 5: when I'm connected to a jetways the passenger are never inside the jetaways, the walk mid air outside the jetways, and If the jetways is on the right, like in orlando, they still exit from left door and walking mid air in front of the cabin, it's a nice see but nothing that add that real touch to the simulator.

Problem 6: In 3 flight when I arrive to the parking and click de "deboarding" button in GSX MSFS crash with GSX and I need to manually stop the game.

I have others problem that appeared only 1 times, so for now I don't think they are something to worry...FOR NOW

How can I fix this situation, because I think I have burned 37€!!!!


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Re: Different problems and Bugs
« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2023, 11:21:44 am »
There is a way to receive a faster support or an email? I payed for a product that for now doesn't works well, or there is a way to ask for a refund?


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Re: Different problems and Bugs
« Reply #2 on: January 10, 2023, 11:48:48 am »
There is a way to receive a faster support or an email? I payed for a product that for now doesn't works well, or there is a way to ask for a refund?

I don't know what you are trying to say here but, you posted this just yesterday, and I'm replying to you know so, how much "faster" you expect it to be. Now, let's see your bugs list:

Problem 1: During the installation, and also during the second reinstallation, I received different error mesages that was telling me that a folder was not empy, the error windows had as title "Delete Folder". This error message came up at least 10 times!

If would have been helpful if you said which folder because, "a folder", is not very useful understanding your problem. During the installation, some files are downloaded in the Windows temporary folder, then uncompressed to install them, and then removed. It's possible your antivirus, monitoring the temporary folder, has decided to denied access to it to the FSDT installer, because of an antivirus bug, preventing it from cleaning up what is always normally clean up during the installation.

To fix this antivirus bug, you should add the whole Addon Manager ( the one you installed the FSDT Installer into ) to the antivirus Exclusions.

Problem 2: In 2 different Airport (Cancun and Orlando) for GSX there weren't places big enough for my a320! (a bit strange)

This has been discussed so many times, it's clearly explained in the manual, and GSX has several ways to deal with it, all covered in the manual, let's quote some of the relevant parts:

Page 11, where the actual message you see is discussed:

GSX will warn you if a parking spot is either “too small for your aircraft”, or is already taken by an AI. However, a big change from previous versions is that will allow you to use it anyway.

Page 33, where the airport customization is explained:

Max Allowed Wingspan
This option allows to override the parking radius in the airport .BGL, used to verify if a parking is too small to fit a certain parking. Sometimes, it’s possible a scenery has actual space available around a parking spot, but the scenery designer has specified a smaller radius for that parking spot, maybe for AI flow reasons, or to fix problems with default ground vehicles, or simply because of an oversight.

Page 27, where the global option to IGNORE the parking radius is discussed:

Ignore Wingspan when parking

This option will disable the “Parking Too Small” warning. Note that, with this version, GSX will always allow to use a parking, even if it says it’s too small but, with this option, you can also disable the warning.

As you can see, not only GSX is correctly informing you a parking spot MIGHT be too small for your aircraft, but the manual clearly explains both the reasoning behind this, and the multiple ways you can deal with it, including completely ignoring the restriction and never see the message anymore.

Problem 3: The loaded plan never matches the one on simbrief, but I never load anything, so I don't know where to start to solve this.

And again, it might be helpful if you were more precise on your report, because that message is only supposed to appear if you DO have a Simbrief plan loaded, but it's not mathiching the airport or the airplane you are now flying from. The message has a precise text for a reason: to tell you what's happening so, if you think this happened by mistake, clearly indicate:

- the precise, exact, text of the "not matching" message

- if you have Simbrief enabled and what was the last flight plan you had dispatched there

- if you use the default flight planner as well.

Problem 4: on 6 figlth for 3 times during the descent phase GSX stop to work and he stuck on "loading" when I press the GSX icon on the topbar.

We are still haven't been able to replicate this, but some users reported it, and we are trying to track it down. It SEEMS to be happening mostly when using several add-ons that calls into Simconnect, which makes the sim not responsive to all calls. While we trying to find what's is really happening, you can usual fix this by restarting the Couatl engine from its Traybar icon and, if it's gone, just restart it from the "Start Couatl for GSX MSFS" icon that has been placed on the Desktop.

when I'm connected to a jetways the passenger are never inside the jetaways, the walk mid air outside the jetways, and If the jetways is on the right, like in orlando, they still exit from left door and walking mid air in front of the cabin, it's a nice see but nothing that add that real touch to the simulator.

This has been discussed so many times, and there are several issues combined, none of them is obviously a GSX "bug", all of them are caused by SDK limitations, which should be fixed in SU12, when the Navdata API will be updated with extra information that will make jetways fully usable. Several of these issues has been discussed here:,28869.msg188328.html#msg188328

Problem 6: In 3 flight when I arrive to the parking and click de "deboarding" button in GSX MSFS crash with GSX and I need to manually stop the game.

This doesn't happen, and nobody ever reported it before. First, by definition, GSX CANNOT CRASH THE SIM. This is not really opened to debate: GSX runs completely external to the simulator, under a separate .EXE ( the Couatl engine ), and by definition, an regular .EXE like that doesn't have ANY access to the simulator process or memory, this is enforced at the Windows level.

What CAN happen, instead, it's the sim crashing for other reasons, and bring GSX down with it, this is to be expected and can easily mislead you thinking the "cause" was GSX ( maybe you see GSX crashing in the Windows Event Viewer), when it was the other way around.


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Re: Different problems and Bugs
« Reply #3 on: January 10, 2023, 02:20:26 pm »
Umberto grazie mille per la risposta, I will continue in English because I don't if you offer italian support on this forum.

So, for the installer problem I just started it and I paste here the entire message:

The directory is not empty.

Delete directory C:\Users\obit8\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_*************\LocalCache\Packages\community\fsdreamteam-airport-lfsb-basel failed

After this message many others appear, I already added the entire Addon Manager to the exclusion list, but if this error doesn't affect the installation process is not a big concerne for me.

As far as the parking space for the aircraft is concerned, I understood, I was hoping for a more 'realistic' solution rather than an override of the problem, but that's OK.

Regarding SIMBRIEF I generate the flight plan directly in SimBrief and GSX when I am at the gate and I have to board the passengers it tells me "Siembrief ok", it is after take off that if I open the menu again it tells me that error.

The error says exactly: "The loaded flight plan doesn't match the one on simbrief".

And if I click on "reload SimBrief" it tells me "Simbrief Error, the loaded flightplan from (DEPARTING ICAO) doesn't match the one on simbrief from (DEPARTING ICAO / ARRIVING ICAO)."

How is this possible if it was fine before and if I didn't load any flightplan other than the one via simbrief?

Otherwise I understood that since MSFS still sucks whatever software I buy, regardless of how much it costs, it will suck accordingly.

Thank you very much for the support


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Re: Different problems and Bugs
« Reply #4 on: January 10, 2023, 02:39:39 pm »
So, for the installer problem I just started it and I paste here the entire message:

The directory is not empty.

Delete directory C:\Users\obit8\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_*************\LocalCache\Packages\community\fsdreamteam-airport-lfsb-basel failed

Are you sure you are referring to the GSX Pro installation ? That message is supposed to come out if you tried to Unlink or Uninstall FSDT Basel.

The error is not serious, it only says the folder couldn't be removed, because it wasn't empty, but it won't affect GSX in any way.

Which is not normal, because FSDT products should only be Symbolic links in the Community folder, at least that's how they are normally installed when using the FSDT Installer so, it seems you manually copied the scenery over to the Community folder, so it's not a link as it should be, but an actual real folder.

Also, I couldn't find any orders from you for FSDT Basel, either on our site or Simmarket, which kinda explain why you have an FSDT Basel manually installed that way...

As far as the parking space for the aircraft is concerned, I understood, I was hoping for a more 'realistic' solution rather than an override of the problem, but that's OK.

Not sure what else GSX could have done, other than the multiple ways to deal with this, as already explained. Suppose GSX simply ignored the parking radius and let you park anywhere, which is basically what Enabling the "Ignore Wingspan when parking" does, you wouldn't even noticed any "problem" but, that's precisely the point: you might end up in a parking that is *really* too small for your plane, resulting in other problems with vehicles not being able to move or crash into buildings, etc.

The error says exactly: "The loaded flight plan doesn't match the one on simbrief".

And if I click on "reload SimBrief" it tells me "Simbrief Error, the loaded flightplan from (DEPARTING ICAO) doesn't match the one on simbrief from (DEPARTING ICAO / ARRIVING ICAO)."

The reason why I asked for the "exact" text, was precisely to know the exact text, not a redaction!

How is this possible if it was fine before and if I didn't load any flightplan other than the one via simbrief?

That's not normal indeed, another user reported this, and we are adding extra log in the next update, which will help us understanding the problem because, this message is only supposed to come out if you have something planned in the default MSFS planner.

Otherwise I understood that since MSFS still sucks whatever software I buy, regardless of how much it costs, it will suck accordingly.

No, MSFS is a very good and usable product, but its SDK still has limitations, especially in the Jetway system, that affects a product so encompassing like GSX, but we are hopeful most of them will be fixed in time.


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Re: Different problems and Bugs
« Reply #5 on: January 10, 2023, 07:26:52 pm »
The reason why I asked for the "exact" text, was precisely to know the exact text, not a redaction!

The message change at every flight, now for example, I'm flying from KLAX to MMSD the message say:  "Simbrief Error, the loaded flightplan from KLAX doesn't match the one on simbrief from KLAX to MMSD."

But I can be ok also with this, I will always wait to be 5 miles from the airport to see wich parking gate I can take.