Author Topic: Request: Key sequence to 'stop' (close) GSX-Pro w/o using taskbar  (Read 1323 times)


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Hello Umberto!  For those of us shooting full screen videos, we would love to have an easy way to 'close' or 'shut down' Coautl/GSX Pro -without- using the taskbar method, which would require us to switdch from MSFS full-screen to MSFS window mode in order to access the taskbar.  I am requesting a hotkey(s) sequence that would stop GSX Pro.  Also, another question:  If a person wanted to start MSFS and skip boarding/deboarding entirely, and do a pushback from the gate using GSX Pro, can this be done?  It seems to want to do something else first like deboarding before the pushback works??  Appreciate any guidance, thanks.


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Re: Request: Key sequence to 'stop' (close) GSX-Pro w/o using taskbar
« Reply #1 on: January 02, 2023, 12:59:08 pm »
For those of us shooting full screen videos, we would love to have an easy way to 'close' or 'shut down' Coautl/GSX Pro -without- using the taskbar method, which would require us to switch from MSFS full-screen to MSFS window mode in order to access the taskbar.  I am requesting a hotkey(s) sequence that would stop GSX Pro.

I would like to hear first what's the reasoning behind wanting to shut down GSX, do you think GSX or Couatl is interfering with it ? If yes, how ?

In any case, an hotkey to shut it down is not really feasible, for several reasons:

- If the hotkey was handled through Simconnect, like in other instances like the various GSX editors, we would need to steal the key from the sim. This might not be a big problem but, the way this method works ( or works differently than FSX/P3D ), is that add-ons are not allowed anymore to completely steal a key from the sim, which was possible in FSX and P3D. Even if we intercept a key, the simulator will always do whatever function that key is bound to. And this changes depending on the context: some keys might appear to be available in one view, but not in another. Also, it's not possible to know exactly if a key has been assigned to the sim, because the key settings are not in an readable format ( they were in FSX/P3D ).

This means, it's not basically possible to have a "global" hotkey that would always work no matter what, and won't possibly trigger unforeseeable behaviors in the sim, which we cannot even anticipate or detect, since there's no way to know if a key has been assigned to something else.

Also, another question:  If a person wanted to start MSFS and skip boarding/deboarding entirely, and do a pushback from the gate using GSX Pro, can this be done?

Of course you can do that.

It seems to want to do something else first like deboarding before the pushback works??  Appreciate any guidance, thanks.

It doesn't really "do" anything, other than preparing the gate with GSX vehicles, should you need them. But if you just start with Pushback, only Pushback will do something, the other vehicles will just be there, static.


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Re: Request: Key sequence to 'stop' (close) GSX-Pro w/o using taskbar
« Reply #2 on: January 07, 2023, 10:53:04 pm »
Thanks for the good explanation about why you cannot create a hotkey to 'close' coautl.  I thought you recommended closing GSX after takeoff, then restarting it when preparing to land?  Or do I remember that incorrectly?  Thanks again.