FS9 support > Las Vegas FS9

no static aircrafts at the gates at KLAS for FS9?


hi, should there be any static aircrafts at the gates at KLAS or is it normal? i had the old simflyers and they had an option to check if you wanna see static planes at the gates.. and  btw it would be fantastic to see a CYVR (vancouver)airport in the future...
should i remove the old simflyers KLAS airport or just uncheck it in my fs9 scenery?


There are no static aircraft in the LAS scenery.  The only static aircraft I've seen in FSDT scenery are about 10 C-17's included in the PHNL scenery to make the military ramps look populated.  Otherwise, nothing in any of their sceneries. 

Personally, I'd uninstall the Simwings version of LAS if you have the FSDT.  However, it's up to you and depends if you're thinking you may want to revert back to it ever (not sure why you would though...the FSDT looks much nicer and if anything probably performs better).

The FSDT scenery is MUCH better than the SimFlyers one.  I say uninstall the SimFlyers LAS, install the FSDT scenery, and install some AI. ;)  As the above poster stated, there are no static aircraft.  The SimFlyers scenery was created a while ago when AI wasn't all too great so they used Static Aircraft to fill up the ramps.  Now you can get tons of free AI (or even payware AI) and the Static aircraft become pointless.

By the way, you only need to post the question once....someone would see it and respond.

thx guys   appreciate your help... how do you install AI and where can i get it from? newbie at this. actually is it worth to have it because i fly mostly only online...


--- Quote from: cgexx on March 15, 2010, 12:35:52 am ---thx guys   appreciate your help... how do you install AI and where can i get it from? newbie at this. actually is it worth to have it because i fly mostly only online...

--- End quote ---

If you are flying mostly online, then no.

Otherwise it is freely available at www.world-of-ai.com.  You can also get payware AI (much easier, quicker, and more traffic, but lack of quality and frame rates you get with the free stuff) at www.justflight.com or other addon stores.


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