I have been having problems with gsx for the last two days.
I have been using gsx + gsx level 2 for years without any problems.
During a flight on P3d v4, I wanted to launch the pushback procedure and I noticed that gsx was not working anymore.
In "addon manager", I noticed that the activation keys of gsx + gsx level 2 were missing.
I wanted to fill them again and I got the message "the couatl scripting enging hasn't started,...".
I excluded from my antivirus the "addon manager" folder as indicated in another section of the forum.
I ran "fsdt universal intaller" as indicated in a section of the forum and I see that gsx + gsx level 2 are: installed and active.
I ran a check and then an update just in case.
However, I still can't use these utilities because in P3d, I am only in trial version.
I checked and my activation keys are valid.
Thank you for your help.