Author Topic: Prepar3dv4.5 Airplane wheels sink during pushback.  (Read 796 times)


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Prepar3dv4.5 Airplane wheels sink during pushback.
« on: December 05, 2022, 02:39:40 am »

I am experiencing a problem during the pushback sequence.

Once the tug is attached, parking break released, and the pushback starts, the front wheels and the main bogies sink into the tarmac about a foot.  Fortunately the pushback works.

At the point the tug is disconnected, the plane raises back up to normal position.

This is a relatively new problem since this summer.

I have a question, Is the aircraft.cfg read during or prior to beginning of the pushback process and which variables/settings are read?

Thank you for GSX and GSX2 over the years.

Looking forward to receiving your reply.


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Re: Prepar3dv4.5 Airplane wheels sink during pushback.
« Reply #1 on: January 02, 2023, 12:02:17 pm »
I've noticed this too.