Author Topic: Could not find valid AFCAD data at this position, services are not available  (Read 5410 times)


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Hiya, I am really sorry if this has been solved already however I can't find a fix anywhere.

I bought GSX for Microsoft Flight Simulator on Monday and the issue has occurred every time I attempt to use the product. So when I first attempted to use it it was giving me the trial version despite having activated the product with the activation code I was given. On the GSX menu it tells me me to teleport to one of the trial airports and the menu actually loads correctly (albeit the trial version). After this occurred a couple of times I removed and reinstalled GSX which didn't help. After a bit of searching through the forum, I launched Couatl as an administrator which either made it work better or work less.

Launching Couatl as an administrator now gives me an audio message saying "Couldn't find valid airport data at this position, services are not available" and a GUI on screen saying "Could not find valid AFCAD data at this position, services are not available." I have uninstalled and reinstalled GSX around four times which has not helped. I have also disactivated and reactivated GSX two times also to no avail.

Sorry again if this problem has been solved already but I couldn't find it anywhere on the forum.


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Try to enable the SU10 Navdata API option in the GSX Config panel in the installer, this might fix the problem, if your problem was caused by issues reading the sceneries in the Community folder, usually due to corrupted files, missing folders, or any other issues like antivirus or permission problems, which would prevent the program to create its airport cache.

With the SU10 Navdata API option enabled, airport files won't be read anymore and the airport cache won't be used, so it might fix all the above issues.


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Hi thanks for replying, I have turned on the SU10 Navdata option and it still gives me the same audio and visual messages. I have also tried uninstalling and reinstalling GSX after activating the SU10 Navdata option still to no avail.


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Please clarify in which airport the problem happens.


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The issue occurs at every airport, including ones with and without addon scenery.


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Hi, I just wanted to let you know, that I am facing exactly the same issue. Even at FSDT Trial and Payware Airports.


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Hi, I just wanted to let you know, that I am facing exactly the same issue. Even at FSDT Trial and Payware Airports.

Have you enabled the SU10 Navdata API option ?


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Yes, but the issue remains.


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Please clarify which airport you are on.


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Hiya, this isn't intended to be a rude comment. Is there anything I should do to fix my GSX? I bought the product over a week ago and I would really like to use it.


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Hiya, this isn't intended to be a rude comment. Is there anything I should do to fix my GSX? I bought the product over a week ago and I would really like to use it.

I think I already explained in my first reply to you what the differences will be, depending if you use the SU10 Navdata API or not.

We only had a some reports that a very few 3rd party airports don't work even with the SU10 Navdata option for some reason, which we are looking into but, in general, with the SU10 Navdata API option, you shouldn't have that issue, unless you happened to have tried exactly those very few airports that don't work with it, and assumed it happened everywhere, even with the SU10 Navdata API enabled.

Please try again and be absolutely sure the SU10 Navdata API is enabled, and try something simple, like a default airport.


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Hi again, I have re-tested the following airports (SU10 API enabled):
LFRS (Default)
LFBO (third party)
LSZH (FSDT, payware)
LIMC (GSX Trial Airport).
The result is always the same (as described earlier).


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Hi again, I have re-tested the following airports (SU10 API enabled):

You don't say if it's different with the SU10 Navdata Disabled. However, I can at least confirm that it surely doesn't happen here for FSDT LSZH or the Trial LIMC.


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I did check as requested. Even without SU10 API and then updating again. The message from GSX remains the same when re-launching MSFS and starting at an airport position. I have checked again the four previous airports.


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Check if Zurich is using any custom GSX profile other than the one provided by us, which is called lszh-fsdt.ini. If you have any other profiles for LSZH, remove them all and leave only the FSDT one.