Author Topic: A few before I buy-questions  (Read 1866 times)


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A few before I buy-questions
« on: December 23, 2022, 11:22:03 am »

I came across GSX Pro and I'm amazed by it! Tho I only fly small bussinesjets like the Longitude, and I wonder how it works with this aircraft. Is the fuel service available for the Longitude? And what other services are available with the Longitude? Since it has no opening door and no interior.

Also, I'm looking for a mod that can simulate the arrival of a (executive) guest in a luxury car. Is this something that is listed for future development?

Thanks a lot!


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Re: A few before I buy-questions
« Reply #1 on: December 24, 2022, 05:51:55 am »
Could  try the  trial version to see  if  you like  it,28204.msg184530.html#msg184530


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Re: A few before I buy-questions
« Reply #2 on: December 24, 2022, 09:57:10 am »
My opinion: if you only fly GA aircraft, I don't think GSX adds much over default ground services. Without doors or cargo bays, you may see passengers walking up to the aircraft and for cargo you will see a van but no actual loading. There will be a fuel truck but with small aircraft you won't see the hose being connected (as far as I know). Yes, you get improved pushback and marshallers but I'm not sure how often you would see these in real life for GA aircraft. Currently there appears to be a problem with pushback for the Longitude (EDIT: only if using the MSFS beta), but I assume this will get sorted out.

If you also fly airliners, then it's a different story and GSX adds A LOT.

Definitely get the trial to see for yourself.
« Last Edit: December 24, 2022, 04:26:28 pm by Johan217 »


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Re: A few before I buy-questions
« Reply #3 on: December 27, 2022, 05:27:56 pm »
I tried the trial version of GSX and was pretty amazed. I like all the services and animations, really makes the sim even more immersive.

But I'm experiencing some bugs while trying to set it up for the Longitude.
- Sometimes a small catering truck parks in front of the entry door and does nothing at all, then leaves. Sometimes a massive truck comes to connect a ramp to the AC and start loading.
- When I call for a refuelingtruck and I select the amount of fuel I want after it arrived, the truck leaves and a message "Refueling complete" appears, but nothing happend.

Do these things happen because I'm using the trial version, or should the trial be a complete, up-to-date version of GSX?


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Re: A few before I buy-questions
« Reply #4 on: December 27, 2022, 08:15:33 pm »
No, sadly that's GSX.  i admire you tried before handing over your cash.


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Re: A few before I buy-questions
« Reply #5 on: December 28, 2022, 01:49:17 pm »
But I'm experiencing some bugs while trying to set it up for the Longitude.

- Sometimes a small catering truck parks in front of the entry door and does nothing at all, then leaves. Sometimes a massive truck comes to connect a ramp to the AC and start loading.
- When I call for a refuelingtruck and I select the amount of fuel I want after it arrived, the truck leaves and a message "Refueling complete" appears, but nothing happend.

None of these are bugs, of course.

- The small catering truck doing nothing is exactly what you are supposed to see when the airplane you use has a service door lower than the lowest the platform-based catering truck can reach.

- The refueling truck will go away, if the quantity selected is less than the quantity you already have on board before you called the truck. It won't simulate De-fueling, basically. This is of course explained in the manual.


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Re: A few before I buy-questions
« Reply #6 on: December 28, 2022, 05:17:29 pm »
Thx for the reply!

I noticed that when I disable the service door, a smaller catering truck always appears which works for me :)

Concerning the fueltruck not fueling: I set the fuel quantity to around 2%, then whichever fuel quantity I select, none of them make the refueling work (both animation and the amount of fuel onboard). The fueling point is not underneath the wing but behind the wing, vertically mounted about 1,5 meter from te ground. Should any truck that appears play some kind of animation, or is this not yet implemented?

Also, I noticed that a lot of vehicles drive through the aircraft, wings, cockpit etc. Can this be resolved? I'm pretty the location of the engines and the anti-ice start and stop point on the wings are located where the should be in the aircraft editor (if this has anything to do with it). Am I missing something else?


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Re: A few before I buy-questions
« Reply #7 on: December 28, 2022, 05:36:26 pm »
Also I noticed that when pushback starts (after releasing the parking brake), the aircraft bounces into the air and the GSX models disappear. It looks like GSX crashes everytime I use pushback. Is there a solution for that as well?


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Re: A few before I buy-questions
« Reply #8 on: December 30, 2022, 01:18:59 pm »
The fueling point is not underneath the wing but behind the wing, vertically mounted about 1,5 meter from te ground. Should any truck that appears play some kind of animation, or is this not yet implemented?

You are not supposed to see any animation right now, and I'm afraid even after the vehicle update in my previous post, you'll still won't have any, because the new refueling vehicle animations will still assume a refueling point under the wing.

Other kind of refueling positions will require a whole new set of animations, and these takes time but, of course, GSX always has a multi-year long history of free updates, so we'll likely have them at some point.