Good afternoon. I've found that, even with SU10 Navdata API enabled, I can't make GSX recognize the correct parking spots. This is a trial I did with Simulación Extrema SACO, purchased at the Marketplace:
I loaded a flight in Gate 5, and then requested GSX to reposition my aircraft. These are the results:
- Requested Gate 6, ended up somewhere close to Gate 1.
- Requested Gate 5, ended up in Gate 3.
- Requested Gate 4, ended up in Gate 7.
- Requested Gate 2, ended up back in Gate 5.
Crosschecking with Aivlasoft EFB (which can't read Marketplace airports), I find I was sent to the default parking positions. I'm having a similar situation with SierraSim SKBG, also from Marketplace. This may not matter during departure, but at arrival I can't select the gate correctly. Am I expecting too much, understanding the API wrong, or wasn't the SU 10 Navdata API supposed to detect the correct parking positions?
Please see the attached log, and screenshots of MSFS and the EFB showing the position differences. Am I doing something wrong?