Author Topic: LSZH ZURICH Airport version 1.5.0.  (Read 5458 times)


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LSZH ZURICH Airport version 1.5.0.
« on: October 18, 2022, 12:41:30 pm »
I updated LSZH ZURICH Airport version 1.5.0.
Now I can no longer receive the ISL signal when approaching.
The red corners for this appear with more
Is this related to the update?


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Re: LSZH ZURICH Airport version 1.5.0.
« Reply #1 on: October 18, 2022, 02:42:18 pm »
Is this related to the update?

We haven't changed the ILS in the scenery but, it seems there's a bug in the latest SDK that is causing this:

We would like to get more information about this, and if it will be eventually fixed, because if we just applied the proposed solution, it would cause duplicated ILSs instead, in case the bug will be fixed.


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Re: LSZH ZURICH Airport version 1.5.0.
« Reply #2 on: October 21, 2022, 11:13:53 am »
As already described, when I approach LSZH ZURICH (Airbus A320 NEO) I cannot receive the ILS signal.
If I switch on LOC and then APPR, the display NAV APP appears short.
When approaching LSZR St.Gallen-Altenrhein I receive the ILS signal and can switch on LOC and G/S and land normally.
So it must have something to do with the update from LSZH ZURICH that I can't receive the ILS signal


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Re: LSZH ZURICH Airport version 1.5.0.
« Reply #3 on: October 21, 2022, 02:09:38 pm »
So it must have something to do with the update from LSZH ZURICH that I can't receive the ILS signal

As I've said, it doesn't anything to do with the Zurich update, because we haven't changed anything in the ILS, but it seems to a recent bug in the SDK that result in custom ILS not working, as explained in the forum post I've linked.


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Re: LSZH ZURICH Airport version 1.5.0.
« Reply #4 on: October 22, 2022, 10:54:52 pm »
Sorry, I have exactly the same issue.
I fly very often into LSZH with the FBW A320, mainly to Rwy14 and it always worked perfectly and fine.
I few days ago I noticed that there was offered an update of the FSDT Zurich scenery in the MSFS2020 content manager, so I went ahead and installed it (within the content manager).

Guess what happend: Exactly since then I have no ILS signal on Rwy 14 (111.75) anymore. I did not change/update anything else on MSFS 2020.



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Re: LSZH ZURICH Airport version 1.5.0.
« Reply #5 on: October 23, 2022, 11:10:06 pm »
Sorry that I come back to the same topic again, but I made some tests today.

Unfortunately your link to the SDK topic does not help me in any way. I am just a normal user of flightsim products and not a software freak, so I can tell you that I never messed around with any SDK's not in MSFS 2020 and also not in previous flight simulators.

I did the following today: In the content manager I deinstalled FSDT LSZH addon airport and went back to the basic Zurich scenery, which of course is not very nice, however all the ILS approaches are there again and show up in the FBW A320X. After this I have two "not installed" items for Zurich in the content manager: A LSZH scenery by Microsoft and the FSDT LSZH scenery that I deinstalled in the first step. If I install the Microsoft LSZH scenery I have a quite detailed (more detailed than the basic scenery) of Zurich and all the ILS approaches are still there. Unfortunately there are also some strange bushes/trees near taxiways but it is not too bad, however not quite as good as the FSDT LSZH scenery.

Further test: As soon as I reinstall the FSDT LSZH scenery in the content manager, all of a sudden all the ILS approaches are gone again (I mean I can select the frequencies in the FMS of the airbus, but they do not appear (diamonds for localizer and glide scope) in the PFD of the aircraft. And I can confirm again that this happend the first time a few days ago, when I installed the FSDT LSZH update offered in the content manager.

If I do not want to mess around with the SDK, I guess I have to be happy with the Microsoft LSZH scenery and have to forget about FSDT in MSFS 2020. This is a bit of shame because I am longtime (happy) user of many FSDT products (not only LSZH) also on previous simulators (FSX and P3Dv4).



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Re: LSZH ZURICH Airport version 1.5.0.
« Reply #6 on: October 24, 2022, 12:28:47 pm »
Unfortunately your link to the SDK topic does not help me in any way. I am just a normal user of flightsim products and not a software freak, so I can tell you that I never messed around with any SDK's not in MSFS 2020 and also not in previous flight simulators.

The link explains exactly the problem, and nowhere I said YOU should "mess with the SDK", something you can't do it yourself, since you don't have the source file for the airport.

What the link is saying, is there's a BUG in the *current* SDK, which results in ILS not being compiled correctly, unless the scenery developer unflags the option to remove the default ILSs, which would be wrong as well, since it will end up creating an intentional double ILS conflict.

So, you are saying our update "caused" the problem but the issue is, the SDK is not something you can choose which version to use, because what compiles the scenery is NOT the SDK ( which is just a collection of Documentation and 3DS plugins and samples ), it's the SIMULATOR ITSELF so, as you surely know, when there's an update of the simulator, everybody gets it at the same time so, it's not as if we could have possibly release an update to Zurich made with an "old SDK", one that didn't had this bug.

So, the only option is for Asobo to fix it, wait for the new version of the sim to be out, so we can recompile it again, and release another update.


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Re: LSZH ZURICH Airport version 1.5.0.
« Reply #7 on: October 24, 2022, 12:50:07 pm »
Thanks, Umberto, for this good explanation, which helps me understand the problem.
I then just wait for an update by Asobo and hope that I can install and use again the FSDT LSZH scenery without problems.



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Re: LSZH ZURICH Airport version 1.5.0.
« Reply #8 on: January 03, 2023, 11:10:29 pm »
can you please give an update about this issue? (ILS LSZH not working with the FSDT scenery)
I wrote a comment in the Microsoft FS forum, so far no action. Here is the link to my observation:


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Re: LSZH ZURICH Airport version 1.5.0.
« Reply #9 on: January 04, 2023, 12:16:41 am »
can you please give an update about this issue? (ILS LSZH not working with the FSDT scenery) I wrote a comment in the Microsoft FS forum, so far no action. Here is the link to my observation

And as you can see from the post before yours, it surely doesn't affect "just" FSDT LSZH as you wrote, but multiple airports by different developers because, of course, it's seems to be a bug in the sim. Have look here, on the official MSFS developers forum, other developers are reporting it so, it seems to be still under investigation, since SU11 apparently didn't fix it entirely: