The error line in your log:
Airport cache not valid: got error CreateFile failed: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process: "C:\ProgramData\Virtuali/Couatl/prepar3dv4\files.bin" (system:32), accessing "C:\ProgramData\Virtuali/Couatl/prepar3dv4\files.bin"
Seems to indicate either of the following:
- You started the sim too quickly after having closed it, not allowing enough time for the couatl .exe to close, so maybe there's another copy running in the background.
- Your antivirus is blocking access to the airport cache folder. Add the whole Addon Manager folder to the Antivirus EXCLUSIONS and run the FSDT Live Update again
- Your user might have permission issues on that folder. Restart Windows, and manually remove this folder:
then REINSTALL GSX, which should reset the file permissions correctly.