Author Topic: Mostly, I need to ask for refuel twice - a known issue?  (Read 2138 times)


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Mostly, I need to ask for refuel twice - a known issue?
« on: December 15, 2022, 07:01:20 pm »
One thing I've noticed and it has been like this for as long as I can recall is clicking on the refuel option in the GSX menu closes the menu 9 times out of 10. Where you then need to reopen the GSX menu and once again pick the refuel option. Then the action will finally be carried out.

Not a big deal but slightly annoying. Any idea what could be causing this?
Richard Åsberg


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Re: Mostly, I need to ask for refuel twice - a known issue?
« Reply #1 on: December 15, 2022, 10:54:40 pm »
I think this could be a MSFS thing, because I find it happening too with the ATC menu (both with clicks or key shortcuts).


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Re: Mostly, I need to ask for refuel twice - a known issue?
« Reply #2 on: December 15, 2022, 10:58:16 pm »
Ok, well...I've only seen this with the refueling option. Never when asking for catering, to start the boarding etc.
Richard Åsberg


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Re: Mostly, I need to ask for refuel twice - a known issue?
« Reply #3 on: December 16, 2022, 03:29:42 pm »
One thing I've noticed and it has been like this for as long as I can recall is clicking on the refuel option in the GSX menu closes the menu 9 times out of 10.

You are making it sound as if closing the menu was the problem. The only problem I see here, is that is not closing it 10 times out of 10, because normally, whenever you select ANY option the GSX Menu will ALWAYS close, unless it needs to present you with an extra option, for example which operator to use for handling or catering IF there are multiple choices.

When you "activate" a gate in GSX ( first time you open the menu when you are parked there ), it WILL generate all its own Ground Vehicles around you, and this regardless which service you are starting with.  To create the vehicles, it needs to know the handling operator so, regardless if you start with Boarding or Deboarding or Refueling or even just the Operate Stairs/Jetways commands, the first thing to do is knowing which handler will be used, so you will usually see a subsequent menu, asking which operator to use.

However, the operator selection menu won't always appear, if ( due to the scoring system and the eventual parking codes in the scenery or the airport custom profile ), when there's only ONE possible choice for the operator, that menu will be skipped so, after the first choice ( whatever it was ), the GSX menu will just close, waiting for the next command, because that's how the GSX is always supposed to work: it will always close after you made a choice UNLESS it needs to present a subsequent menu choice, like the operator.

This means, if you start with Refueling, and on that airport/gate there aren't multiple choice for the *handling* operator, the menu will close automatically, until it's time to ask your for the fuel quantity, which of course will NOT appear if the airplane is flagged as using a custom refueling system.

If you start with refueling and there ARE multiple handlers to choose from, you will see the subsequent handler selection menu after calling refueling.

If you start with another command ( like Operate Stairs ), the menu about the eventual handlers will be presented after you Operate Stairs, so it won't be asked again if you then call Refueling so, in this case, the menu will always close after choosing Refueling, because at that time GSX has nothing left to ask you, since the handler has already been set.


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Re: Mostly, I need to ask for refuel twice - a known issue?
« Reply #4 on: December 16, 2022, 04:00:29 pm »
Apparently I was unclear. The problem is not how the menu closes but how the refueling services won't start even after I have picked that option from the menu. Nor will a second menu be presented to pick the operator. Instead, the menu closes and then nothing.

At this point opening the GSX Pro menu a second time and again selecting the refueling option, the things you mention I'm either presented by the message the fueling truck has been requested and is on its way. Or...I have a second menu popping up. Asking me to select the operator.

I hope that was more clear to you?
Richard Åsberg


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Re: Mostly, I need to ask for refuel twice - a known issue?
« Reply #5 on: December 16, 2022, 05:21:19 pm »
Apparently I was unclear. The problem is not how the menu closes but how the refueling services won't start even after I have picked that option from the menu. Nor will a second menu be presented to pick the operator. Instead, the menu closes and then nothing.

I could never reproduce this, while you said it happens 9 times out of 10. How this could be even possible ?

Are you possibly using too many addons ( especially AI Injection ) sending too many commands to Simconnect, resulting in Simconnect not replying or replying with some delay ? That's the only possible reason I can think of it.


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Re: Mostly, I need to ask for refuel twice - a known issue?
« Reply #6 on: December 16, 2022, 07:02:18 pm »
How it can be possible, that I can't answer. I can only tell you what happens here on my side.

I don't use that many addons. I always try to avoid throwing too much into the mix. Since that often results in a mess in the end. Where I like to keep my installation as clean as possible. For AI traffic, I have that disabled and this also includes live traffic. The only traffic I have is Vatsim traffic injected by vPilot, the pilot client from Vatsim. For this issue though, I see this regardless if I'm the only aircraft at the airport or when having other online traffic around me.

As for other addons, I have Navigraph Charts and the PMDG 737. Other than that, not much except for a bunch of payware airports and the online aircraft models used by vPilot to inject Vatsim aircraft and a tool called VSR used to tune ATC etc in VR on Vatsim.

Below is a list of my Community folder. I highly doubt this is related to some other addon though. Since it's always working on the second attempt. When of course the very same addons are still there, only seconds after the first attempt to call for the refueling services.

2022-12-16  15:22    <DIR>          .
2022-09-20  17:22    <DIR>          ..
2022-12-13  10:22    <DIR>          aerosoft-airport-ebbr-brussels
2022-12-13  10:21    <DIR>          aerosoft-airport-eddk-cologne-bonn
2022-12-13  10:21    <DIR>          aerosoft-airport-enva-trondheim
2022-10-25  19:56    <DIR>          aerosoft-airport-ldza-zagreb
2022-09-20  11:02    <DIR>          aerosoft-data-exchange
2022-09-20  11:02    <DIR>          aerosoft-modellib-vdgs
2022-12-13  10:58    <DIR>          aerosoft-vdgs-driver
2022-09-20  11:30    <JUNCTION>     aig-aitraffic-oci-beta [C:\AIG\aig-aitraffic-oci-beta]
2022-09-21  19:40    <DIR>          aig-aitraffic-oci-beta_CVT_
2022-12-13  10:28    <DIR>          amsim-lirp-pisa
2022-09-20  18:42    <DIR>          digitaldesign-lows
2022-01-13  15:09    <DIR>          flytampa-copenhagen
2022-08-07  03:55    <DIR>          flytampagg-athens
2022-09-27  11:03    <SYMLINKD>     fsdreamteam-gsx-pro [C:\Program Files (x86)\Addon Manager\MSFS\fsdreamteam-gsx-pro]
2022-09-27  11:01    <SYMLINKD>     fsdreamteam-gsx-world-of-jetways [C:\Program Files (x86)\Addon Manager\MSFS\fsdreamteam-gsx-world-of-jetways]
2022-09-20  17:20    <DIR>          gaist-ultra-BETA
2022-12-09  09:12    <DIR>          gaya-simulations-airport-encn-kristiansand
2022-12-01  09:32    <DIR>          gaya-simulations-airport-lirq-florence
2022-12-02  15:22    <DIR>          gaya-simulations-airport-loww-vienna
2022-09-20  18:38    <DIR>          jetstream-licd-lampedusa
2022-09-20  18:39    <DIR>          jetstream-licg-pantelleria
2022-11-15  11:03    <DIR>          jetstream-licj-palermo
2022-09-20  18:43    <DIR>          jetstream-liml
2022-09-20  18:34    <DIR>          lvfr-barcelona
2022-11-28  21:23    <DIR>          mkstudios-airport-efhk-helsinki
2022-12-08  15:15    <DIR>          mkstudios-airport-eick-cork
2022-12-03  13:05    <DIR>          mkstudios-airport-ekvg-vagar
2022-12-10  17:55    <DIR>          mkstudios-airport-leso-sansebastian
2022-12-16  12:54    <DIR>          navigraph-ingamepanels-charts-beta
2022-11-26  11:13    <DIR>          navigraph-navdata
2022-11-26  11:06    <DIR>          navigraph-navdata-base
2022-10-02  14:18    <DIR>          noolaero-module-vdgs
2022-12-08  15:04    <DIR>          orbx-airport-egnm-leeds-bradford
2022-12-02  21:20    <DIR>          orbx-airport-enal-alesund
2022-09-20  12:12    <DIR>          orbx-airport-enml-molde
2022-12-02  16:34    <DIR>          orbx-airport-ento-sandefjord
2022-09-20  12:12    <DIR>          orbx-airport-esgg-gothenburg
2022-10-02  14:19    <DIR>          orbx-airport-esms-malmo
2022-10-02  14:19    <DIR>          orbx-airport-essb-stockholm-bromma
2022-09-20  12:15    <DIR>          orbx-airport-ldsp-split
2022-12-06  09:05    <DIR>          orbx-airport-lfkb-bastia
2022-12-16  15:21    <DIR>          orbx-airport-lieo-olbia
2022-11-15  11:52    <DIR>          orbx-airport-lowi-innsbruck
2022-12-11  16:28    <DIR>          pilotplus-airport-eggd-bristolinternational
2022-12-15  11:07    <DIR>          pilotplus-airport-egmc-londonsouthend
2022-08-25  08:39    <DIR>          pmdg-aircraft-738
2022-09-20  22:07    <DIR>          pmdg-aircraft-738-liveries
2022-12-05  19:31    <DIR>          pyreegue-airport-egaa-belfast
2022-12-13  10:26    <DIR>          pyreegue-airport-egpf-glasgow
2022-09-26  00:52    <DIR>          pyreegue-airport-egph-edinburgh
2022-09-20  19:24    <DIR>          scenicroutes-ljlj-ljubljana
2022-09-20  19:26    <DIR>          scenicroutes-ljljtrafficdelete
2022-11-07  14:36    <DIR>          spad-bridge-module
2022-11-15  11:56    <DIR>          tdm-leco
2022-12-09  19:23    <DIR>          vs-radio-toolbar
2022-09-26  22:37    <DIR>          workingtitle-g3000
2022-09-25  23:46    <DIR>          zzz-airport-ekch-remove-static-aircrafts
2022-09-25  23:47    <DIR>          zzz-loww-static-remover
Richard Åsberg


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Re: Mostly, I need to ask for refuel twice - a known issue?
« Reply #7 on: December 25, 2022, 01:29:01 am »
I think I might have found what is causing this issue.

When you start a new flight in MSFS and the GSP Pro window will pop up automatically at the same time you start the flight, you'll get this issue where you need to ask for refueling twice.

If you on the other hand close the GSX Pro window (close and not just hide) and then open the GSX Pro window again, requesting refueling services will work on the first attempt.
Richard Åsberg


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Re: Mostly, I need to ask for refuel twice - a known issue?
« Reply #8 on: December 25, 2022, 05:47:13 pm »
When you start a new flight in MSFS and the GSP Pro window will pop up automatically at the same time you start the flight, you'll get this issue where you need to ask for refueling twice.

That's because, when starting a new flight, the sim will automatically re-open a panel which was active on the previous flight.

Which is why the manual ( Page 74, where the usage of the menu is discussed ) suggests to close the GSX menu from the Toolbar when you are done with it:

This is now your normal workflow should be:
• Open the GSX menu from the Toolbar icon when first starting Ground services .
• Don’t close it from the Toolbar while Ground services are performed, always use the Hot-key or the X icon to close the menu.
• Close the menu using the Toolbar icon when you are done with Ground services, usually before take-off.

That is not just to have the menu always responsive to the hotkey, but also to prevent any possible side-effects of the menu being automatically reopened by MSFS across a new flight restart.


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Re: Mostly, I need to ask for refuel twice - a known issue?
« Reply #9 on: December 25, 2022, 05:57:01 pm »
Brilliant, will try to remember that going forward.

And I guess there's no way for you to automate this? Where you force a close of the GSX Pro window directly after launching MSFS and loading a flight.
Richard Åsberg


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Re: Mostly, I need to ask for refuel twice - a known issue?
« Reply #10 on: January 09, 2023, 03:55:34 pm »
I'm sorry to say, I keep having to most of my flights ask for refueling twice before GSX will "accept" my request by telling me the refueling truck is on its way. Even when I made sure to properly close GSX before exiting out of MSFS. Meaning GSX will not pop up automatically next time a start MSFS and load a flight.

Anything else I can try on my side to avoid having to go through this on almost every flight? Not a big deal but still a bit annoying.
Richard Åsberg


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Re: Mostly, I need to ask for refuel twice - a known issue?
« Reply #11 on: February 09, 2023, 06:01:35 pm »
I think I have found a pattern.

It seems it's when I'm checking SimBrief by clicking the SimBrief icon before asking for the fuel truck I have to ask for the fuel truck twice. If I ask for the fuel truck without first clicking on the SimBrief icon, it seems to work on the fist attempt.
Richard Åsberg


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Re: Mostly, I need to ask for refuel twice - a known issue?
« Reply #12 on: August 07, 2023, 06:31:26 pm »
Were you ever able to repro this issue Umberto based on the info given in my last post?

No big deal as it's easy to avoid but quite annoying when you forget about it sometimes and do these steps in the "wrong" order.

Maybe it could be easily fixed from your side now that you know what is causing it. That is, if you have the same issue on your side of course.
« Last Edit: August 07, 2023, 06:32:58 pm by WebMaximus »
Richard Åsberg