Author Topic: Intersection A1/B1 is way too steep  (Read 6176 times)


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Intersection A1/B1 is way too steep
« on: December 15, 2022, 12:24:20 pm »
Intersection A1/B1 at RWY28 are way too steep. I'm not sure if there even is a slope IRL, but if there is one, it's very small. Bit frustrating to have to use >50% N1 for a line up, after you hold short at A1, as this is probably the most used intersection in the whole airport. Can this intersection be flattened please? Thanks!


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Re: Intersection A1/B1 is way too steep
« Reply #1 on: December 25, 2022, 05:04:58 pm »
Yep, can agree with that, almost impossible to line up with normal thrust. Is something like that not noticed in developement? And also runway 28 is never used in MSFS, even when the wind is coming as westerly directions, is the runway closed for usage in Sim?


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Re: Intersection A1/B1 is way too steep
« Reply #2 on: September 19, 2023, 12:51:03 pm »
Agree on the steepness of it. Agree with RWY 28 not being used in the sim at all for takeoff or landing which is a bit of mystery,


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Re: Intersection A1/B1 is way too steep
« Reply #3 on: October 06, 2023, 10:32:07 pm »
Hi all

LSZH is my Home Airport in MSFS and departing most of the time on RW28.
Entering from A1 or B1 to lineup RW28 is so difficult (more than 50% N1 !)

Please correct this, thanks a lot.

Peter Koller LSZH Homebase
Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024


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Re: Intersection A1/B1 is way too steep
« Reply #4 on: October 09, 2023, 12:45:22 pm »
We'll try to have a look at this but, the issue with LSZH is that it lies in a very unlucky position, with the boundary of the QMID (which is a grid of terrain data) crossing the airport and the runways, and this cause issues with any correction we try to make, if the correction polygon is crossed by that boundary, it results in the terraforming correction polygon being automatically split by the sim (because it crosses the QMID boundary) and due to what seems to be a bug in the sim terrain engine, when two terraforming polygons meet with each other, it would result in a very bad hard step on their junction.

Which again, is not something we made: it's the result of the simulator splitting the polygon in two *because* the airport crosses over a QMID boundary, so our correction doesn't work the way we wanted.

So, again, I'll try to have another look at it but, if this is the issue, it might not be possible to fix it, other than "cheat" and make the whole airport completely flat like in FSX, which will then cause other effects on the borders, since the area around is not flat.


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Re: Intersection A1/B1 is way too steep
« Reply #5 on: October 09, 2023, 04:49:52 pm »
Thank you Umberto.

Greetings from LSZH.
Peter Koller LSZH Homebase
Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024


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Re: Intersection A1/B1 is way too steep
« Reply #6 on: October 10, 2023, 09:05:14 pm »
Oh, what a surprise, once again it is the fault of MSFS (or the user...). Just as an info, Umberto, the default LSZH developed by Gaya does not have this height issue on RWY28 holding point, so I wonder what they are capable of doing that FSDT is obviously not...


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Re: Intersection A1/B1 is way too steep
« Reply #7 on: October 16, 2023, 07:14:54 pm »
Oh, what a surprise, once again it is the fault of MSFS (or the user...)

Yes, in case the fault is the user (YOU), for failing to understand what I wrote.

Just as an info, Umberto, the default LSZH developed by Gaya does not have this height issue on RWY28 holding point, so I wonder what they are capable of doing that FSDT is obviously not...

You must have missed this part:

I'll try to have another look at it but it might not be possible to fix it, other than "cheat" and make the whole airport completely flat like in FSX, which will then cause other effects on the borders, since the area around is not flat.

These are all the things you either missed or failed to understand:

- The "I'll try to have another look at it"

- The usage of the word "might"

- The "make the whole airport completely flat". Could be Gaya hasn't tried to represent the sloped runways as they really are *because* of that problem? That, OBVIOUSLY, taking into account the other 2 points ESPECIALLY the 1st one, the "I'll try to have another look at it".


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Re: Intersection A1/B1 is way too steep
« Reply #8 on: October 25, 2023, 08:50:19 am »
I did understand EXACTLY what you wrote, you gave a very vague statement about you might, eventually, if enough time is available (or enough customers complain) look into the issue (you not even said it will be fixed) within a single sentence. And then you wrote another 3x more sentences/words about why it is basically a MSFS issue FSDT can not do anything about. Your answer speaks for itself, no need to go into semantics here...


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Re: Intersection A1/B1 is way too steep
« Reply #9 on: October 27, 2023, 03:08:10 pm »
I did understand EXACTLY what you wrote

No, you haven't, if you had, you wouldn't have brought the other Zurich scenery into this, and the part you failed to understand here, in the same sentence:

I'll try to have another look at it but it might not be possible to fix it, other than "cheat" and make the whole airport completely flat like in FSX, which will then cause other effects on the borders, since the area around is not flat.

Then you wrote another 3x more sentences/words about why it is basically a MSFS issue FSDT can not do anything about.

The longer reply was clearly a way to help users understand the issue, which is strictly related to the "make the whole airport completely flat"

Yes, by doing that, we wouldn't be hit by the problem of MSFS automatically cutting terrain polygons passing exactly through a QMID, do you think if would be a good idea to flatten the whole airport JUST to fix this minor "bump", losing one of the best MSFS features, that is sloped airports?

Your answer speaks for itself, no need to go into semantics here...

My answer was not just technically accurate, but it also included the willingness to look again into this. Instead, your continued attitude to question everything I say, not just here, but in other places as well, instead, is what really "speaks for itself".


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Re: Intersection A1/B1 is way too steep
« Reply #10 on: August 14, 2024, 08:56:09 pm »
Great news, Zurich area (photogrammetry) will be reworked and ectended with WU18 next week, lets hope this will be the fix to this issue


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Re: Intersection A1/B1 is way too steep
« Reply #11 on: December 12, 2024, 11:32:24 am »
No surprise that the just released MK rendition of LSZH does not have this mountain at RWY28 in MSFS2020 and guess what? The airport is not totally flat neither. So obviously MK found a way and FSDT is still looking for a solution...