I wish Virtuali could prioritise this...At present the PMDG sim lacks support!
No, it doesn't. It's completely usable and has exactly the same support it always had in FSX/P3D. The new fuel truck will just have a nicer crew animation, but it won't change in any way the refueling *functionality*.
BTW, the refueling works, you just need to be sure you select a fuel quantity LARGER than the one you had on board when you called the GSX truck, otherwise refueling won't start.
They have their own vehicles but lets dispose of them for GSX, superior!
Not sure what you mean here. It's a compliment or a critique ? We handled removal of PMDG ground services in the most graceful and safe way: by operating the PMDG FMC, so it's the *airplane* that is really getting rid of its own vehicles, in the end.
Please? Lets have full Simbrief and ground refuelling.
From this sentence, it seemed you expected in some way GSX would add functions not available in the PMDG, like SimBrief support.
Even with the new Fuel Truck for low-wing airplanes, nothing will change other than having a nicer to look at animation, but the *actual* refueling would STILL be handled by the PMDG itself, GSX would only have more animations to show for it, but it won't "refuel" the airplane, as it never did in years.
The Inbuilt 310 has it?
Good airplane...I hear PMDG will have an EFB soon as well.