Author Topic: GSX does not load when SU10 NavData API enabled  (Read 2348 times)


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GSX does not load when SU10 NavData API enabled
« on: December 12, 2022, 12:46:25 pm »
I have a problem at a specific airport when SU10 NavData enabled.
Airport is JERSEY EGJJ (by UK2000), "ini" file in your folder.
If SU10 Navdata is NOT ENABLED,then all is well and works correctly.
If SU10 Navdata IS ENABLED, then GSX menu dissappears after 2 seconds with the message "Could not find valid AFCAD"
What am I doing wrong.
Log attached.


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Re: GSX does not load when SU10 NavData API enabled
« Reply #1 on: December 12, 2022, 03:41:49 pm »
Your log is not coming from a session you opened the GSX menu and received the error message ( it would have appeared in the log ), most likely you restarted it, so a new log overwrote the one with the message, which would have explained the error.


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Re: GSX does not load when SU10 NavData API enabled
« Reply #2 on: December 12, 2022, 04:05:50 pm »
Thank you for your reply.
Here is the log from a few seconds after the error appeared.


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Re: GSX does not load when SU10 NavData API enabled
« Reply #3 on: December 12, 2022, 04:31:38 pm »
Here is the log from a few seconds after the error appeared.

And in fact, the log now show the message you got.

It might have been helpful to see your .INI as well: a possible reason for this problem is you have an .INI file that is not correct for that scenery, and when using the SU10 Navdata, GSX is no longer able to automatically associate an .INI to a specific .BGL, because no .BGL is ever read or loaded anymore, the .INI will be loaded if the ICAO matches, so it will be your responsibility to be sure that .INI is made for that scenery.


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Re: GSX does not load when SU10 NavData API enabled
« Reply #4 on: December 12, 2022, 05:17:07 pm »
Thanka again for your reply.
The Airport is by UK2000, the INI file is made for that airport by FLIGHTSIM.TO.
Attached is the INI file.
The only "oddity" that I can see is the BGL is named "airport.static.bgl" ... no reference to EGJJ
The same applies to the "routeing" in the INI file, points to "airport.static.bgl"
Changing the file to EGJJ.BGL makes the file to be ignored.
I do not see any reference to any particular aircraft in the INI file.


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Re: GSX does not load when SU10 NavData API enabled
« Reply #5 on: December 12, 2022, 05:26:52 pm »
Changing the file to EGJJ.BGL makes the file to be ignored.

That seems to indicate you don't have the SU10 Navdata option enabled in GSX, because if you have, the .BGL line in the .INI is completely ignored, precisely because when the Navdata is used, GSX no longer knows which .BGL has been loaded, it doesn't even look in the Community folder anymore so, if you see any difference when editing the .BGL pathname, it can only be due to not having the Navdata Enabled.

When Navdata is Disabled, instead, the .BGL filename ( NOT THE PATH!! ) will matter so yes, it's normal the file will be ignored if you change the .BGL name,

When When Navdata is Enabled, the only thing that matters is the ICAO code, which is the first part of the name of the .INI itself before the dash. GSX will load it if the ICAO matches the airport you are in, and if no parking spots in the .INI matches what GSX is receiving FROM THE SIM, it will give that error, because those parking spots in the .INI don't really exist in the data that came with Simconnect.

Note that, if you have a scenery conflict for any reason, using the Navdata will inherit that, including conflicts. Without the Navdata, at least, GSX always read ONE single .BGL so, assuming it read the right one, you could be reasonably sure it should match the .INI it was associated with. But when the Navdata is enabled, if there are conflicting sceneries for the same airport, or errors in the airport itself, GSX will get everything, including errors.


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Re: GSX does not load when SU10 NavData API enabled
« Reply #6 on: December 12, 2022, 06:37:07 pm »
I have followed your instaructions to the letter.
Enabled NavData.
Changed the INI file to read ... AFCAD PATH = EGJJ.BGL (thats Jersey by UK2000)
Airport loads correctly, BUT still GSX says could not get vaild Afcad Data ...or very similar words, then closes the menu.
I am obviously missing some thing here.


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Re: GSX does not load when SU10 NavData API enabled
« Reply #7 on: December 13, 2022, 02:05:06 pm »
I have followed your instaructions to the letter.
Enabled NavData.
Changed the INI file to read ... AFCAD PATH = EGJJ.BGL (thats Jersey by UK2000)

Well, if you read my instructions carefully enough, you would have known editing the line with the Afcad wouldn't matter when you use the Navdata option, because no .BGL is ever read in that case, so that line is ignored.

However, fact you say the correct .BGL is called EGJJ, while the original file that .INI was made for is called airport.Static.bgl, seems to indicate you are trying to use an .INI that is not correct for that airport, or perhaps was correct for a different version, but now the scenery has been updated, so parking spots in the .INI don't match anymore the scenery, that's why GSX is saying no parking are found.