Author Topic: Postponed engine start during icing conditions  (Read 2315 times)


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Postponed engine start during icing conditions
« on: December 18, 2022, 09:48:06 pm »
So with icing conditions, the ramp agent tells me to wait until pushback is completed before starting the engines.
If I do, a) he will never then tell me it's okay to now start the engines (shouldn't he?), and b) the captain voice "cockpit too ground, we have a good engine start" will still play, even though no engine has been turned on yet.

How is this suppose to work? Do I need to do something specific for an after-pushback-engine-start?



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Re: Postponed engine start during icing conditions
« Reply #1 on: December 18, 2022, 11:23:45 pm »
Is this happening with a particular aircraft? Because this is how it normally goes - using the JF BAe146 and FBW A320 and never had any issues with this.

1) complete de-icing procedure
2) pushback starts - operator says "due to icing conditions do not start engines etc"
3) pushback ends - operator says "Set parking brake. Waiting your confirmation for good engine start" (+ repeated popup message depending on settings)
4) from there on, I can open the GSX menu and choose "Confirm good engine start". Then the pilot says "Cockpit to ground, we have a good engine start. You can disconnect" and the operator disconnects the tug.

Maybe it depends on your GSX settings? (I have Assistance services Auto mode OFF and Good engine start confirmation ON). Or maybe it depends on how you start the engines (manually, auto checklist, CTRL+E shortcut)?

« Last Edit: December 18, 2022, 11:28:03 pm by Johan217 »


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Re: Postponed engine start during icing conditions
« Reply #2 on: December 19, 2022, 08:29:55 pm »
That's not 100% what I meant.

Okay, so I have the engine start confirmation OFF.
I'm using the FENIX.
Here's what's happening then:

1. I call for pushback in low temperatures.
2. Ramp agent says: "Due to icing conditions, stand by for engine start until pushback complete and brakes set"
3. He does his things etc.
4. Pushback starts. He AGAIN says "Due to icing conditions, stand by for engine start until pushback complete and brakes set"
5. Pushback is being done, I do NOT start the engines
6. Pushback is complete, he advises to "...set parking brakes"
7. I set parking brakes then the Captain-Voice (automatically) says "We have good engine start, cleared to disconnect" <--- WHY??? ENGINES ARE OFF!!
8. Ramp agent disconnects, etc., then leaves.

He never tells me that it's okay to now start engines. He just leaves me there with engines still off.
Apparently, the system thinks my engines are already running. They are not.

So something is not quite right I think...


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Re: Postponed engine start during icing conditions
« Reply #3 on: December 19, 2022, 08:42:37 pm »
What happens if you set Engine start confirmation ON?


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Re: Postponed engine start during icing conditions
« Reply #4 on: December 19, 2022, 09:35:21 pm »
Haven't tried that.
But as having them off is a valid option (I just don't want this), it should still "work" under icing conditions.

If I remember correctly, back in P3D the ramp agent in fact did some "you can start the engines now" confirmation after icing-pushback..... I think it somehow broke for MSFS.


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Re: Postponed engine start during icing conditions
« Reply #5 on: December 19, 2022, 10:42:00 pm »
OK, so I tried with Good engine start confirmition OFF like yours and indeed the operator disconnects as if the engine has started. I'm not sure if GSX is supposed to detect automatically whether the engine has started or not with this option OFF... If it is, then apparently it is not working. It's been years since I used GSX with FSX so I'm afraid  don't remember how it was back then.

Personally I'm okay with having Confirm engine start ON since it can be used to order disconnect at any time in case I want to speed things up or do a 1 engine taxi.