am using p3dv4, so your telling me that it cant be fixed, and I basically wasted my money buying this airport?
That's not what I told you, of course.
If the problem is really the OrbX AEC utility that hasn't been updated to recognize sceneries installed in the proper P3D V4 way, so it could fix the elevation issue
they caused to the airport, the money "wasted" is not the one spent on KMEM, but what you spent on the product that caused this.
The problem doesn't obviously happen with just the default scenery installed. But since all our sceneries are available in Trial version, you can verify how they work with your particular combination of 3rd party add-on products before purchase. That's the whole point of having a Trial to begin with.
Are you having the same problem as reported here ?,13614.msg106582.html#msg106582As you can see, it was caused by OrbX, and it was fixed entirely acting on Orbx (AEC utility). The issue is, the post is one year old and, under P3D V4, we are not sure if OrbX has fixed AEC entirely to recognize the P3D native installation method, outside the scenery.cfg.