Author Topic: Pushback Sometimes Causes Crash w/ Fenix - Pushback is useless currently  (Read 2655 times)


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Sometime the pushback results in the Fenix A320 plane crashing! After 30 minutes of prep. the plane crashes which is pretty bad! This is also in addition to the plane jumping up and down when the pushback actually works! At this time the GSX pushback is useless for Fenix A320! Hope someone will fix this!


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Re: Pushback Sometimes Causes Crash w/ Fenix - Pushback is useless currently
« Reply #1 on: November 26, 2022, 05:13:26 am »
I have zero issues using GSX with the Fenix.  3-4 flights a week.


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Re: Pushback Sometimes Causes Crash w/ Fenix - Pushback is useless currently
« Reply #2 on: November 26, 2022, 06:09:42 am »
The same problem and it doesn't only happen with fenix. And I have also used live update to update the program but the problem is not solved >:(


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Re: Pushback Sometimes Causes Crash w/ Fenix - Pushback is useless currently
« Reply #3 on: November 26, 2022, 10:04:47 am »
Seems fairly random! I may have 5-6 or even more flights without the issue and then have the issue! It should never happen and I hope GSX or Fenix find out why this is happening and fix it.


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Re: Pushback Sometimes Causes Crash w/ Fenix - Pushback is useless currently
« Reply #4 on: November 26, 2022, 11:23:14 am »
While this is a bug (either GSX or Fenix might fix), I recommend disabling damage in MSFS.
The damage detection is quite bad, it gives you no way to continue a flight if a crash is detected, there are taxiways with invisible gaps/objects that make you crash etc.
Seriously, don't bother with the damage "simulation", it's just not worth it.


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Re: Pushback Sometimes Causes Crash w/ Fenix - Pushback is useless currently
« Reply #5 on: November 26, 2022, 12:13:11 pm »
There is also a bug with GSX & Fenix pushback, brakes are get hot, like 600+ C, because the aircraft's wheels start rolling during push on a high speed (not every thime, dont know when and why), then brake down in 0 sec, when pushback car stops.


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Re: Pushback Sometimes Causes Crash w/ Fenix - Pushback is useless currently
« Reply #6 on: November 27, 2022, 09:27:05 am »
I can confirm the hot brakes issue. 4 flights yesterday, 4 flights with that issue. One has to spend 15+ minutes waiting somewhere to get it cooled down. So back to Fenix pushback for the moment until this is fixed.

Actually, I had this issue only once before (maybe I was just lucky) in the 70+ flights I've done, but with the newest build (25th Nov) it constantly happens.


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Re: Pushback Sometimes Causes Crash w/ Fenix - Pushback is useless currently
« Reply #7 on: November 27, 2022, 11:03:03 am »
Another user reported in another thread that, while the Hot brake issue ( which only Fenix could fix, since it's a Fenix internal simulation ) IS fixed normally, if you use FsRealistic, there's a wide-related effect added to it that causes the wheels spinning and getting hot too.

I suggest checking this channel here, he's a very good streamer and uses GSX + Fenix in a lot of his flights, for example here:


As you can see, no hot brakes at the end of the pushback.


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Re: Pushback Sometimes Causes Crash w/ Fenix - Pushback is useless currently
« Reply #8 on: November 27, 2022, 11:31:18 am »
Yes, as all of us indicated, it works a lot of times but sometimes it crashes! Even if it happens once in 20 times, it's still useless! We don't want to spend 30 minutes preparing for a flight just to see it crash because of the pushback! The other issue with Fenix is jumping up and down!


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Re: Pushback Sometimes Causes Crash w/ Fenix - Pushback is useless currently
« Reply #9 on: November 27, 2022, 03:07:15 pm »
Another user reported in another thread that, while the Hot brake issue ( which only Fenix could fix, since it's a Fenix internal simulation ) IS fixed normally, if you use FsRealistic, there's a wide-related effect added to it that causes the wheels spinning and getting hot too.

Thanks, Umberto, for the reply. As said, I had this problem very seldomly until yesterday...

Seems I missed the other topic, apologies. Strangely, I'm using FSRealistic for many months now together with GSX and never noticed any issues and I use the same profile. But I checked the settings and I disabled that specific feature of FSRealistic (updated to latest version only last weekend; no hot brakes noticed on my flights last Sunday) and did not have hot brakes on the pushback at EGBB today.

So hopefully this will cure it permanently. I'll keep an eye on it.

Thanks a lot!


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Re: Pushback Sometimes Causes Crash w/ Fenix - Pushback is useless currently
« Reply #10 on: November 27, 2022, 03:34:02 pm »
Even if it happens once in 20 times, it's still useless!

Here, I don't agree. Because, obviously, before saying something that happens so rarely, it's a GSX "problem", it would be best getting to the bottom of this because, obviously, GSX Pushback runs always the same, exact, code, there's nothing "random" in it.

What it's likely changing, is you are trying different airports so, if with "crash", you mean the airplane crashed into something, it might be caused by something specific to the airport. For example a too high altitude difference or a terrain "bump" in the scenery.

Have you noticed if it happens more often on very long pushback routes ?


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Re: Pushback Sometimes Causes Crash w/ Fenix - Pushback is useless currently
« Reply #11 on: November 27, 2022, 08:26:31 pm »
What effect in FSRealistic needs to be disabled? I don't have push back issue with Fenix's own pushback system! It's only the GSX Pro.


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Re: Pushback Sometimes Causes Crash w/ Fenix - Pushback is useless currently
« Reply #12 on: November 28, 2022, 07:27:43 am »
I can confirm the hot brakes issue. 4 flights yesterday, 4 flights with that issue. One has to spend 15+ minutes waiting somewhere to get it cooled down. So back to Fenix pushback for the moment until this is fixed.

Actually, I had this issue only once before (maybe I was just lucky) in the 70+ flights I've done, but with the newest build (25th Nov) it constantly happens.

Sometimes the hot brake issue still appears indeed, but that issue isn't a big one : you juste have to clear the hot brake failure in the MCDU menu to revert to a healty state (you don't need to spend 15 minutes waiting).

Concerning the crash during pushback with the Fenix mentionned by the OP, I never had the issue (5-7 flights per week), can't tell about it...


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Re: Pushback Sometimes Causes Crash w/ Fenix - Pushback is useless currently
« Reply #13 on: November 28, 2022, 04:54:06 pm »
What effect in FSRealistic needs to be disabled? I don't have push back issue with Fenix's own pushback system! It's only the GSX Pro.

Someone in another thread suggested it might be related to "Wind ambience" feature in FSR,28408.msg185929.html#msg185929

I can't really say yet if that is really the cause or not, more tests needed on my end, but I disabled it for my return flight from EGBB to EDDM and didn't have any issue with hot brakes on that flight while the previous 5 flights all had the "hot brakes" issue. Let's see with the next flights on the weekend...