Author Topic: Fenix refuelling problem  (Read 3779 times)


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Fenix refuelling problem
« on: November 15, 2022, 01:26:34 pm »
Recently (not sure which update!) GSX does not always respond to loading the fenix - and yes, I do it at the right time!
When this happens GSX asks repeatedly for me to load the aircraft and I cannot find a way to bypass it.
The only solution seems to be to use the fenix pushback and 'crash' out of all the service vehicles!


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Re: Fenix refuelling problem
« Reply #1 on: November 15, 2022, 01:38:19 pm »
Recently (not sure which update!) GSX does not always respond to loading the fenix - and yes, I do it at the right time!

Nothing in any of the update could have possibly change anything in the way refueling is handled. Please indicate both all your settings in GSX, and provide with reproduction steps.


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Re: Fenix refuelling problem
« Reply #2 on: November 15, 2022, 04:08:11 pm »
Next time it happens I will. But not blaming gsx - could be msfs or fenix issue! But is there a way of progressing fuelling even if it can't read the fenix, for whatever reason.


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Re: Fenix refuelling problem
« Reply #3 on: November 16, 2022, 09:09:20 am »
Perfect solution. Latest gsx update now offers to use simbrief data directly and not need loading fenix.


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Re: Fenix refuelling problem
« Reply #4 on: November 16, 2022, 09:46:38 am »
Perfect solution. Latest gsx update now offers to use simbrief data directly and not need loading fenix.

Something's wrong here, it seems you must have enabled the "Show MSFS Fuel/Cargo page" option in your custom airplane configuration. This is Disabled by default, and it should stay that way, because it means GSX will try to actually refuel the airplane, which it simply can't, since it has a custom fuel simulation that GSX cannot interfere with.

That's why you are seeing the Simbrief option and the default GSX fuel menu, but it's not supposed to appear if that airplane is configured correctly, that is with the above option Disabled as we set it by default, so GSX won't try to refuel the airplane, but it will just adapt its own animation to the airplane refueling itself, using the "Load aircraft" button in the Fenix EFB, which is the one and only way you can refuel the Fenix.


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Re: Fenix refuelling problem
« Reply #5 on: November 17, 2022, 06:32:19 pm »
Hi, I've recently noticed the same behaviour. GSX doesn't "understand" anymore when starting refueling from the EFB, and stays stucked at refueling phase .

Thanks for your help !


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Re: Fenix refuelling problem
« Reply #6 on: November 19, 2022, 04:22:29 pm »
Same here, happens randomly. Greetings Madi


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Re: Fenix refuelling problem
« Reply #7 on: November 21, 2022, 01:01:01 am »
I’ve had this happen, press reset all in the mass and balance and re load aircraft


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Re: Fenix refuelling problem
« Reply #8 on: November 21, 2022, 04:53:11 pm »
Here's a video showing refueling with the Fenix working just fine:


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Re: Fenix refuelling problem
« Reply #9 on: November 21, 2022, 08:24:10 pm »
Sometimes it works, sometimes it does not. For example, I just had this problem: I pressed "Load aircraft" only when I was asked to by GSX and GSX kept asking me to do it. Yesterday it worked just fine. Anyway, the trick of doing a "Reset all" and then "Load aircraft" seems to work.


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Re: Fenix refuelling problem
« Reply #10 on: November 22, 2022, 04:47:52 pm »
The problem is more likely to occur if you use simbrief and seems to be related to the default amount of fuel onboard when you first jump into the aircraft. By default it's usually 3000 KG, but since SU11 it can on occasion be much higher than that (which is actually shown in the video above with a 'fuel in tanks' of 9.6 tons). My understanding is that GSX will only refuel after you ask it to do so via the Fenix EFB if the 'planned fuel' is more than the fuel onboard. Since most flights require more than 3 tons (especially if you specify an alternate/extra contingency fuel) this wasn't usually something that we encountered all that often.

The fix is the one mentioned above, check if you've been affected by this issue (there is 9000+ KG of fuel in the tanks and your flight plan needs less), click on the 'Reset All' button on the Fenix Mass and Balance page, then reimport your simbrief data if you are using it to plan flights.


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Re: Fenix refuelling problem
« Reply #11 on: November 22, 2022, 05:16:21 pm »
My understanding is that GSX will only refuel after you ask it to do so via the Fenix EFB if the 'planned fuel' is more than the fuel onboard.

This is entirely normal, and it's how GSX always worked, it needs to detects an INCREASE in the Fuel quantity, in order to start refueling an airplane with a custom loading page.


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Re: Fenix refuelling problem
« Reply #12 on: November 27, 2022, 09:49:36 am »
It is normal but also confusing for the user, and it leads to a situation where GSX appears to be "stuck". May I suggest that GSX will immediately stop the refuelling if it detects that the requested fuel quantity is lower than the current one?


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Re: Fenix refuelling problem
« Reply #13 on: November 27, 2022, 10:52:56 am »
It is normal but also confusing for the user, and it leads to a situation where GSX appears to be "stuck". May I suggest that GSX will immediately stop the refuelling if it detects that the requested fuel quantity is lower than the current one?

This is what is supposed to happen, when GSX is refueling the airplane: the truck is supposed to go away immediately, if you are asking a quantity lower than the one you already have on board. However, when the airplane uses custom refueling, GSX needs to detect an increase to go ahead.

If we changed it to detect a decrease too, and sent the truck away if that happened, it would still confuse users, because you would have no way to fix the quantity, and you'll have to start from scratch.