Author Topic: Not sure about Live Update  (Read 7577 times)


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Not sure about Live Update
« on: November 26, 2022, 10:32:50 am »
Hi all
When i run the Live Update , i see 1 on 37 scheduled step
i start it and during step 1, Live Update does a CTD without any message
is it correctly finished or not, i don't know
if i run again Live Update , the update start again with 1 on 37 scheduled step and return to CTD during step 1

so i go to FSDT intaller , click on clickable "Update" Button and i see only 1 on 1 scheduled step, like the Live Update , the FSDT installer end with a CTD
i have no message to tell me if update process is normally finished or if there is an error update
same for Live Update
where i can investigate ?
Best regards

« Last Edit: November 26, 2022, 10:43:33 am by sikorsky77 »


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Re: Not sure about Live Update
« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2022, 03:56:25 pm »
When i run the Live Update , i see 1 on 37 scheduled step
i start it and during step 1, Live Update does a CTD without any message is it correctly finished or not

This has been explained on the forum countless of times:

You are not supposed to have all 37 steps performed, the updater can update all FSDT products, in all supported simulators so, unless you have ALL FSDT products installed ( in both FSX/P3D and MSFS ) all at the same time, you'll never see all steps performed since, clearly, something that is not installed, won't be updated, so its step will be skipped. So, for example, if you only have GSX Pro for MSFS installed, and nothing else, only the 1st step will be made.

After there's nothing else left to do, the updater will automatically QUIT ( it's not a CTD, it's a clean Exit!! ), and the reason why it doesn't give an additional message, it's because several users in the past asked to remove any confirmation message if there's nothing "wrong" to report, so they could run the Updater automatically, as part of a batch process, so they didn't wanted the automation to be disrupted by useless dialogs. Useless, because the updater completed successfully and it has nothing left to do, other than quit just quits.

That's how the Live Update INTERFACE works. The Installer INTERFACE ( the .EXE is the same, it has two interfaces depending which Icon you use to start it ) let's you see what's going on, decide what to update, be in control, read messages. That's what you are supposed to use, if you want to know what's going on.


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Re: Not sure about Live Update
« Reply #2 on: November 28, 2022, 04:12:13 am »
just some comments about your answer

before to post i try to search the issue i asked for , but it is not easy to find something because each people use his own terminology to describe an issue
why live update show 1 to 37 scheduled step when Installer software show 1 to 1 step to execute  that confused me, i thank that my GSX installation was broken before the update
why i asked about message alert whatever it is ok or not , because i remember in the past that we had this popup message
related to message box status, i understand the request of people using batch processing that don't want a windows popup with an OK button killing update automation
why not to have a option to tick by user to show or not message box that permit for Batch process execution to be executed without popup box
ended with CTD is not at all for me a critisim of your good product i used with pleasure in previous version of sims , just to say that update program ended and we don't know if it is ok or not
at least , maybe you don't read my last sentence , "where i can investigate to see if it update process ended ok or not" , just to look in an update log if my installation has a problem or not that can cause an update interruption, but as you wrote every thing are correct
That 's simply all
Again , i stay confident about GSX product which enhance immersive experience of the sim


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Re: Not sure about Live Update
« Reply #3 on: November 28, 2022, 09:26:32 am »
before to post i try to search the issue i asked for , but it is not easy to find something because each people use his own terminology to describe an issue

This is what I got be searching "Live Update":,28433.msg185768.html#msg185768,28426.msg185860.html#msg185860,28329.0.html,27473.msg179882.html#msg179882

why i asked about message alert whatever it is ok or not , because i remember in the past that we had this popup message related to message box status, i understand the request of people using batch processing that don't want a windows popup with an OK button killing update automation

Because we listened to suggestions coming from users asking to remove all useless popups, and changed it. I'm always in favor to make the software as streamlined as possible.

why not to have a option to tick by user to show or not message box that permit for Batch process execution to be executed without popup box

I'll what can be done, I just hope I won't have to reply to even more support questions, first asking if the option was enabled or not, in case somebody would possibly report a *real* CTD.


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Re: Not sure about Live Update
« Reply #4 on: November 28, 2022, 05:09:19 pm »
To be fair this is how liveupdate started behaving for me after a couple of revisions, even when there is an update.   It has never done anything BUT flick on, do one thing and then flick off, gone.  Even when there were indeed updates released days before (I had paused using it for a bit).  Uninstall/reinstall etc didnt change how it behaves.   

Update via the installer is fine, and does the actual update when needed.

I dont have the Nov 25th one yet, i guarantee when i go home tonight and run it, the updater will fail just as usual....  and not update anything.  Never really bothered me much, as going through the installer works fine.


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Re: Not sure about Live Update
« Reply #5 on: November 29, 2022, 11:38:21 am »
To be fair this is how liveupdate started behaving for me after a couple of revisions, even when there is an update.   It has never done anything BUT flick on, do one thing and then flick off, gone.  Even when there were indeed updates released days before (I had paused using it for a bit).  Uninstall/reinstall etc didnt change how it behaves.   

That's who the Live Update always worked since a long time. If the updates are very quick, it's possible the program might not even have enough time to refresh the screen.

Update via the installer is fine, and does the actual update when needed.

They are exactly the same .EXE running the same code, just the interface is different, but the log window below is 100% the same. However, it's possible the more complex interface in the Installer might be enough to slow up a very quick update, so you might have a better chance to notice the log.


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Re: Not sure about Live Update
« Reply #6 on: November 29, 2022, 10:16:29 pm »
Live update run from the icon flashes up and is gone, run it from installer and it runs a full download that takes a couple minutes.
Tested last night, and the icon did nothing, didnt bring down the latest update, but dropped out of the game and ran the installer one and it pulled the new updates.


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Re: Not sure about Live Update
« Reply #7 on: November 30, 2022, 08:59:09 am »
Live update run from the icon flashes up and is gone, run it from installer and it runs a full download that takes a couple minutes.

Live update works normally here, and takes about 2 minutes to download the few files that are always supposed to be downloaded, and check if other files need updates. Exactly identical as launching it from the installer.

the icon did nothing, didnt bring down the latest update

it's not supposed to, if you already have it, but it surely will download the 3 kind of files that are always supposed to be downloaded.

but dropped out of the game and ran the installer one and it pulled the new updates.

Please clarify, do you mean in one case you ran the updater when MSFS was still running, and in the other case you exited from the sim ? Shouldn't make any difference and, in fact, I tested this right now, and it doesn't make any difference indeed.

The only thing to note is that, when running the Updater or the Installer and the sim is running, they will automatically close the Couatl_MSFS.exe if it's running (an update might possibly need to update the .EXE itself, so it must be closed), so perhaps if there is a program like the antivirus that is scanning the .exe at the same time, it might cause a crash when the updater tried to close the program being scanned.

But again, it would be exactly the same with either the Installer interface or the Live Update interface. They are the SAME .EXE running the SAME code.


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Re: Not sure about Live Update
« Reply #8 on: November 30, 2022, 09:52:27 am »
Hi, I have the same issue for updating: I have to use the installer because the live update quits after a few seconds. Installer works fine. Maybe I have to try uninstalling GSX and reinstall. Regards.


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Re: Not sure about Live Update
« Reply #9 on: November 30, 2022, 06:41:16 pm »
For me Live Update also doesn't work, I'm therefore using the Installer.

As much as virtuali tells that it can't be - it IS for at least some of us. I'm not sure why arguing against something that we can see with our own eyes brings anything forward.


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Re: Not sure about Live Update
« Reply #10 on: December 01, 2022, 01:48:39 am »
As much as virtuali tells that it can't be - it IS for at least some of us.

Key word here is "for at least some of us".

If the Live Update really was different than the installer, this difference in behavior would happen to everybody. Since this is clearly not the case, the only possible explanation is, there might be something affecting the updater when it runs with its reduced interface, which for some reason showing its complete interface fixes it.

I'll try it to say in a different way: the Live Updater IS the Installer, with lots of buttons and windows hidden, that's exactly what it is.

It might be possible hiding some controls might have some side effects but, again, it's not normally happening, it's surely not happening here so, as explained so many times, in order to be able to find a problem, I would need to be able to replicate it first.


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Re: Not sure about Live Update
« Reply #11 on: December 01, 2022, 03:55:05 pm »
I needed the latest update, 
I ran the Liveupdate from the icon, it flashed up and quit in a second
Did not have the update.
Ran the Update through the indstaller, it took a few minutes.
Now I have the updated version


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Re: Not sure about Live Update
« Reply #12 on: December 05, 2022, 10:53:52 pm »
Ran the Update through the indstaller, it took a few minutes.
Just do it like that every time and skip the live updater. We're obviously not getting anywhere on it from here.


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Re: Not sure about Live Update
« Reply #13 on: December 06, 2022, 10:47:37 am »
Just do it like that every time and skip the live updater. We're obviously not getting anywhere on it from here

Obviously because, as I've said, I couldn't replicate this difference, or understand why the same code is not running the same on YOUR systems. If you could provide me with better information and reproductions steps, it might help.

Some information I might need are:

- Have you installed just GSX or other MSFS products ?

- Have you installed other products for FSX/P3D too ?


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Re: Not sure about Live Update
« Reply #14 on: December 06, 2022, 04:56:16 pm »
- Have you installed just GSX or other MSFS products ?
Yes, of course. But why would that matter? What kind of products are relevant for this question since I couldn't list all I have.
Most of us will have some sort of combination of third party installed. Navigraph, ORBX, IniManager, Fenix,...

- Have you installed other products for FSX/P3D too ?
No. I don't own FSX/P3D.

If your installer/updater writes some sort of logfile, that might be of help. But I don't know where to find it.