Author Topic: Leonardo MD-82 Boarding & Refuelling issues  (Read 5166 times)


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Leonardo MD-82 Boarding & Refuelling issues
« on: December 10, 2022, 06:05:48 pm »
Hi all.

As mentioned in the subject I have troubles with Md82 Boarding and refuelling.

Passengers are not boarded in the aircraft, bus is coming, they get into the plane but no passenger count on the efb and on the fmc, the are only visually getting into the plane, I can see the number of passengers that must be loaded on the efb icon, then all of a sudden they disappears, an empty icon is shown. Even by unchecking the Gsx Pro Sync passengers can't be boarded, boarding stops after a couple of passengers are boarded and then resets, no pax are boarded at all, fmc acars shows no final loadsheet and no pa lights.
The problem occurs with stairs, default plane staircase and jetway.
Simbrief profile is custom with  97/0 on pax/baggage weight.
I've also uninstalled the last version of Maddog and reverted back to 1.0b95 but still the passengers can't be loaded when GSX Pro is up, on the EFB by pressing the icon, passengers boarding begins, then stops after 1 or 2 pax are in and then resets to "start boarding". By disabling gsx, boarding goes normal.

Also the refuelling truck works less than 1 second then says "refuelling completed" he runs away and not even a single gallon of fuel is loaded.

Thanks in advance for any help.



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Re: Leonardo MD-82 Boarding & Refuelling issues
« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2022, 07:08:45 pm »
Just to test.

When you intial start ther SIM and load once the GSX SIM menu appears, press' restart Coualt' from the GSX SIm Menu. Now start the ground services process.

Does it work now correctly?


OK, now I've looked at your Video!   . Lots of issues to be honest.

1.Post a screen shot of your LM options.
2. You have no hydraulics
3. Why are you operating the doors and fueling via the EFB, as GSX is fully intergrated with the Maddogx.
4. Have you created  SimBrief FP
5. Have you imported the FP via the EFB
6. What Airport and Parking was you at in your video?

If you are not sure about the correct MAddogx operations, then please post in the MAddogx support forum, where we will help you

We have tested GSX and currently it works very well, even with the latest test BETA of the MaddogX( Not availble yet, as it is testing!)


« Last Edit: December 10, 2022, 07:19:23 pm by alpha117 »


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Re: Leonardo MD-82 Boarding & Refuelling issues
« Reply #2 on: December 10, 2022, 08:11:38 pm »
Thank you for your reply.
Unfortunately I can’t test it until tomorrow. Load manager is connected to siembfief and to gsx.
Refuelling is via efb because, as suggested on the maddog forum, I temporarily removed the gsx file from the virtuali folder, because otherwise gsx was keep asking me to select the fuel quantity via efb without actually refuelling it.
Flight plan was created and imported on the load manager and on the efb, also on the fmc is loaded correctly.
Tomorrow I will try to restart couatl, start hydraulics, open all doors and stairs, because seems to me that boarding is being somehow interrupted by some issue with doors,  behaves as doors are being closed while passengers are entering the plane.


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Re: Leonardo MD-82 Boarding & Refuelling issues
« Reply #3 on: December 10, 2022, 08:30:55 pm »
OK, reinstall the maddog with the gsx.cfg left in the Virtuali folder.

restart Couatl from the GSX SIm menu
MAke sure the SIM Brief 'button' is green
MAke sure you have 'progressive fuelling ticked from the GSX setting menu
DO NOT touch the EFB
Make sure hydraulics are ON
Operate stairs from gsx menu
Call for GPU and connect from OHP

How does it go now


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Re: Leonardo MD-82 Boarding & Refuelling issues
« Reply #4 on: December 11, 2022, 09:19:52 am »
Hi there.
Simbrief is green on the menu.
Restarted Couatl from the GSX menu.
Plane state is cold and dark closed.
Progressive fuelling is cheched.
Called the jetway.
Called the fuel truck.
Called the cathering truck.
Cathering is ok, I didn't touched the efb, I only turned it on.
Refuelling is not working looping "please use your airplane fuel system...." endlessly.

Called the boarding and is loading, but there are some problems I would say  ;D

I didn't touched any door and this is what I get:


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Re: Leonardo MD-82 Boarding & Refuelling issues
« Reply #5 on: December 11, 2022, 01:09:57 pm »
Hi Ralf

Please confirm that you have the GSX.CFG in AppData > Roaming > Airplanes > MaddogX


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Re: Leonardo MD-82 Boarding & Refuelling issues
« Reply #6 on: December 11, 2022, 03:59:46 pm »
Thanks for your reply.

GSX.CFG is present.
I was able to refuel the plane by keeping the efb shut off.
First I opened efb, loaded the simbrief flightplan on the electronic filght folder, then refuelled, it failed, loaded just a couple of lbs and then left, so I turned off the efb, called the refuelling truck via gsx hotkey and refuelling has been completed successfully.
Boarding was too completed after closing fsuipc7 (I need it to correctly load the flight on "A Pilot's Life").
Opening, closing doors, stairs and pumps doesn't affects the boarding, it was completed, including the final loadsheet on fmc.
I'll try again with fsuipc7 up and see what happens, maybe is affecting the boarding somehow.


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Re: Leonardo MD-82 Boarding & Refuelling issues
« Reply #7 on: December 11, 2022, 09:36:05 pm »
Update: I was able to board the plane without any issues.
The issue was probably caused by FSUIPC7 Autosave function, by disabling it, boarding is completed successfully.

Thanks everybody for your help  ;)


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Re: Leonardo MD-82 Boarding & Refuelling issues
« Reply #8 on: December 12, 2022, 04:44:52 pm »
Update: I was able to board the plane without any issues. The issue was probably caused by FSUIPC7 Autosave function, by disabling it, boarding is completed successfully.

That's strange, no idea how that function works or why it could cause issues but, in general, MSFS is quite stable, that function was probably more useful in FSX/P3D 32 bit, when the risk of losing a flight due to memory exhaustion was high, or possibly P3D V5, where VRAM exhaustion is quite dangerous for stability, but MSFS seems to be more stable, in general.