Author Topic: GSX Pro - Just purchased & PC hangs while loading flight!!  (Read 940 times)


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GSX Pro - Just purchased & PC hangs while loading flight!!
« on: November 24, 2022, 06:27:42 pm »
Hi everybody,

I treated myself to GSX Pro yesterday (I had for P3D before MSFS came out), but I thought I would hang on after it was launched due to the many remarks of crashing.

I am really hoping that this has been posted before with a resolution as since installation, I haven't yet had the pleasure of enjoying total immersion due to my PC hanging starting a new flight. To be more accurate, it's when I click on the "Fly" button after setting up a departure at a gate for testing, the screen goes black & the blue progress bar stops about half way accross??

I have trawled the internet for possible solutions such as excluding the Addon Manager from Antivirus & firewall, set FSDT Installer & FSDT Live Update to run as administrator & set the Addon Manager folder full control permissions. I have unlinked / relinked, uninstalled, restarted then reinstalled with & without restart. I have also read the full manual. I also removed LatinVFR Global Vehicle Traffic as I read this could be a problem.

The only other FSDT software I have in the universal installer is FSDT Switzerland Mesh.

I have had only 2 occasions where it did run but it was so unstable. After I clicked the GSX in the upper menu bar, I just got a spinning wheel in the GSX menu.

When unlinked, MSFS runs perfectly & now I am at a loss. Seems I'm stuck without it.  :'(

My Couatl.log reads:

Running in mode: Microsoft Flight Simulator
Python 2.7.16 Stackless 3.1b3 060516 (default, Mar  9 2019, 21:32:11) [MSC v.1500 64 bit (AMD64)] wxPython
couatl v4.8 (build 5084)
log started on Thu Nov 24 13:37:07 2022

connecting to SimConnect...
connected to SimConnect
connected to bglmanx
RunningMode::pathToInstalledPackages C:\Users\Name\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\Packages
Loading addons
Loading addon common
Addon common loaded
Loading addon LiveUpdate
Addon LiveUpdate loaded
requesting AddOn list to bglmanx
Connection with Microsoft Flight Simulator lost (has it crashed?)
Stopping Application...

Any help would be absolutely appreciated!

« Last Edit: November 24, 2022, 06:31:28 pm by RickJH »