Author Topic: The gsx profiles do not save correctly.  (Read 1972 times)


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The gsx profiles do not save correctly.
« on: November 05, 2022, 11:19:40 am »
Hello, I create gsx profiles, I make custom doors with any configuration, walking passengers, vehicles etc.
I put ok on the menu. Close the simulator.
When I open it, some doors are no longer configured. Or it is the walking passengers who are no longer configured.

It's very annoying ! because I spend a lot of time configuring. In the end for nothing..  >:(




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Re: The gsx profiles do not save correctly.
« Reply #1 on: November 05, 2022, 01:28:28 pm »
I had same experience when I worked on one very difficult custom airport: every parking spots are with different numbers and places, I all correct that. Couple of walk-ins, 3-4 custom jetways walk-ins also, at least 10hrs of my work just vanish. Now everyone just reported: this profile not working. I don know I have time to repair this any longer.


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Re: The gsx profiles do not save correctly.
« Reply #2 on: November 07, 2022, 10:33:51 am »
I can't replicate this problem and, I created a very complex profile with everything customized very recently, and I couldn't find any issues with saving the profile.

I had same experience when I worked on one very difficult custom airport: every parking spots are with different numbers and places, I all correct that

This already seems to indicate a problem even BEFORE you started customizing the scenery. If all parking spots are "wrong", it seems GSX hasn't loaded the correct airport for the scenery you are using, but this changes a lot depending if you use the SU10 Navdata option or not.

As indicated in the manual, when the SU10 Navdata is Enabled, GSX no longer knows which .BGL you are in: it just ask for the airport data using Simconnect, so it will be your responsibility to be sure the GSX airport profile matches the airport used.

If the SU Navdata option is Disabled, instead, GSX will need to load the scenery .BGL so, it might have failed to do so for some reason, like the file too big, a problem with reading the file, or just because the scenery is bought from the Marketplace, so GSX can't read it, and it's reading the default airport instead.

Please make a precise report about where and how this happens, providing precise, exact, details on the scenery used and what the airport customization page is telling, and if the SU10 Navdata option is used.


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Re: The gsx profiles do not save correctly.
« Reply #3 on: November 07, 2022, 05:42:56 pm »
Thanks for the answer, i don't use navdata for msfs directly, it create too much problem, i only use data for planes.
My problem happened on JetStream Design Paris Orly, JetStream Design Nantes and FlightBeam Biarritz.




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Re: The gsx profiles do not save correctly.
« Reply #4 on: November 07, 2022, 06:21:13 pm »
My problem happened on JetStream Design Paris Orly, JetStream Design Nantes and FlightBeam Biarritz.

Are those bought on the Marketplace ? If yes, you MUST use the Navdata. If not, since you said all parking spots were wrong, it's likely GSX didn't load the correct .BGL for the airport, which can be verified by looking at the parking customization page.


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Re: The gsx profiles do not save correctly.
« Reply #5 on: November 07, 2022, 10:40:12 pm »
no, I don't buy anything on the marketplace. and the files were good. I checked


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Re: The gsx profiles do not save correctly.
« Reply #6 on: November 08, 2022, 09:00:20 am »
no, I don't buy anything on the marketplace. and the files were good. I checked

I was replying to the other poster as well, who said he had the same problem, and had to fix all parking spots.

This would seem to indicate the wrong .BGL was loaded, so he might have customizing a different profile initially, but then the right .BGL was loaded ( perhaps after changing loading orders or fixing whatever problem prevented the right .BGL to be loaded before ), so GSX correctly switched to a new profile, which doesn't mean the old one "vanished", it just mean the loaded .BGL changed, so GSX switched to a new file, that's what is expected to happen when the Navdata option is not used.


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Re: The gsx profiles do not save correctly.
« Reply #7 on: November 08, 2022, 06:26:09 pm »
ok thanks, i'll check if it happens again.