I´ve also recently installed this >3 GB patch and would like to know, if you have already solved the bglman.dll-problem that occurs with the patch installed.
If not, I don´t know if that will help a bit, maybe you can use the information:
The bglman.dll is only unloadable when the fs9.exe is patched AND the boot.ini is changed. Having only one file patched (EITHER the fs9.exe OR the boot.ini) is not causing a problem. Still...I guess, you´ll need to have both files patched in order to make the Patch work.
I´d REALLY, REALLY appreciate your help here, as I´m spending about 2 months already having those damn OOMs and I´d hate to have to uninstall Cloud9/FSDreamTeam-Products as I LOVE´em.
Thank you, Tetiaroa