Author Topic: Endless cycle of "Please release parking brakes" and other issues  (Read 2685 times)


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This has occurred several times for me with the PMDG 737 800. I call for pushback, the tug attaches and there is mention of gear pin inserted. Then comes the message "please release your parking brakes" over and over and over. I release my parking brakes over and over and confirm they are released over and over. I know how to release them properly in the PMDG 737. This is an infinite loop and I have to exit the program to terminate, wasting all the setup time for the flight.

Later I discovered a possible cause. PMDG  default state starts out with the chocks set at the gate, and they have to be removed of course prior to pushback via the FS Actions Menu. I typically remove the chocks of course with Parking Brake set before I call for pushback.

I discovered by serendipity that if I have removed chocks, asked for pushback, released the parking brakes but continue to get the endless "Please release the parking brakes" that if go back to FSX actions, set the chocks, then immediately remove them, GSX is now happy and I get "parking brakes released" and the push will continue and I can continue the flight. GSX seems to be reading some code regarding chocks and brakes incorrectly and also the sequence of whether one calls for pushback and then release chocks, then release brakes as opposed to removing chocks then calling for pushback might have something to do with it also.

I flew into KRNO and the marshaller is way too high up as is the digital  readout of position. They both disappear from cockpit view as I get close to the stop point. Never had this problem with P3D version of GSX

While i have not experienced GSX not being available at destination airport I did get the infinite spinning wheels on the menu after I stopped the aircraft at the gate, turned off my engines, and set my parking brakes and asked for deboarding. I get a load aural warning tone, then there is a message that occurs so fast I cannot read it, then it disappars, GSX menu loads and instantly goes to never ending spinning wheel.

Again by serendipity I discovered that by accessing FS actions and setting the chocks, then the menu stopped spinning and reappeared with options and the deboarding process went on as expected, except that the passenger door did not open, and neither cargo doors opened. I thought we had solved that.

I should mention that after landing I stopped, opened the GSX menu just fine, selected a gate and a follow me car and taxied to the gate just fine.So all that worked.

So I think that GSX is prone to entering endless loops and menu spinning wheel or repeated instructions over and over  due to a variety of possibly unexpected inputs that the code cannot exit properly and recover from  of which the user is clueless is going on because the user thinks he/she is doing the right thing being asked of him/her leading to loss of enjoyment of the flight experience.

I too am frustrated about not having successful flights.


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Re: Endless cycle of "Please release parking brakes" and other issues
« Reply #1 on: November 02, 2022, 05:15:50 pm »
I cannot reproduce the problem, and I can start a pushback either with Parking brakes or Wheel chocks. Please provide with precise, exact, reproduction steps of what to do to reproduce your problem, so I'll try do it exactly as you did, and verify why it happens.