Author Topic: Pax Boarding Animation No Longer working at PHOG (non-Marketplace) after 10/21  (Read 3450 times)


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Prior to the 10/21 GSX Pro Updates, I was getting animated passenger boarding at Northern Sky's PHOG with PMDG 737-700. I tried with SU10 enabled and disabled - always restarting the sim between changes. PHOG is not installed from Marketplace - it is installed in Community Folder from SimFlight. Passenger animation works during de-boarding though. Any hints as to how to resolve, circumvent, or pinpoint root cause? I am on the most current GSX Pro (Oct 25th version)
« Last Edit: November 01, 2022, 10:56:24 pm by MDFMike »


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Nothing in the 10/21 update should have any effect on Boarding. Please indicate precisely the gate used, if it has a jetway or not, and if you enabled usage of the Navdata API.


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Nothing in the 10/21 update should have any effect on Boarding. Please indicate precisely the gate used, if it has a jetway or not, and if you enabled usage of the Navdata API.
Navdata API was enabled for yesterday's testing.
SimBrief Plan was current - Green
PHOG Gates Used for Test- 17, 19, 21, all have Jetways which moved automatically when requesting Boarding via GSX.
When I recreate this - Is there anything in Couatl.log that can indicate what's going on? Any recommendations on gathering diagnostic info?
Suggestions for gathering diagnostic info would be appreciated.
Steps Recreating Today:
1) PHOG Gate 17. Simbrief Plan loaded and current. 128 PAX  9611 LBS FUEL
2) Fuel Loaded from PMDG 737-700 FMC
3) FMC Flight Plan Loaded
4) Requested Catering - Completed
5) Initialized Payload to 128 PAX and ZFW of 114.3 (FWD Cargo 2400, AFT Cargo 2700)
6) on Perf Init Page - REQUEST Perf Init, Load, and set TAKEOFF REF Flaps, CG, CRZ Wind, and QRH V speeds
7) While Gate 17 Jetway was retracted, Requested Boarding from GSX Menu.
8) Jetway moved automatically to Door.
9) Passengers Boarded without animation  - no Pilot or Crew Boarding Occurred.

(moving log text to zip file

« Last Edit: November 03, 2022, 06:05:09 am by MDFMike »


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When I recreate this - Is there anything in Couatl.log that can indicate what's going on? Any recommendations on gathering diagnostic info? Suggestions for gathering diagnostic info would be appreciated.

Of course there is, and your log shows exactly the problem:

Searching for jetways...
0 StaticObject found

That is GSX couldn't find any jetways. When the SU10 Navdata is Enabled, since the Navdata doesn't provide about any information about the jetways locations, GSX needs to find them heuristically, by name and proximity to the user, which is not entirely reliable. If jetways in that scenery are not named with either "jetway" or "jw" anywhere in their title, GSX can't find them so, the most likely cause is that scenery jetways use a different naming method that can't be detected by GSX.

That's why we still have the option to not use the Navdata API because, even if it's clearly better in the vast majority of situations, it still lacks some crucial data about the jetways position that are important for GSX to create passengers, so we can only hope the requested data will be added to a future SDK update.

I suggest reading this post which clearly explains in detail what we are missing from the SDK and, of course, cast your vote so it will be at least discussed:


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I'm experiencing the same no animation fast borading issue and something even more strange.

And i'm at a gate without jetway so this should not happen in the first place i think.

It happens when the SU10_API is NOT checked.

If the SU10_API is checked it works like before.

It seems like the checkbos works the wrong way around? oO

I checked it multiple times, it is as described.


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I retried two test cases as follows:

1) with SU10 Navdata disabled and PHOG Jetways disabled in FSDT_Installer (restarted MSFS)
    Searching for jetways...
    0 StaticObject found
    onEnteredAirport PHOG

2) with SU10 Navdata disabled and PHOG Jetways enabled in FSDT_Installer (restarted MSFS)
    Searching for jetways...
    0 StaticObject found
    onEnteredAirport PHOG

In each case, I did not get animated passenger boarding.

My questions are,
1) How was this working for this specific PHOG airport prior to the October 21 update?
2) Why does de-boarding passenger animation always work ?
3) Any recommendations for a workaround in the interim of a strategic fix?

« Last Edit: November 07, 2022, 10:40:28 am by virtuali »


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I'm experiencing the same no animation fast borading issue and something even more strange.

You haven't said if the problem happens at that 3rd party PHOG airport, as the subject says.


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1) How was this working for this specific PHOG airport prior to the October 21 update?

Because since the long-term evolution would always be use the Navdata API, GSX is now searching for Jetways by name in the same way, regardless if the Navdata API is used or not, because we are supposed to eventually get rid of reading the airport .BGL, sooner or later, and we hope the Navdata WILL eventually by update to have a more reliable way to search for jetways.

The reason this scenery doesn't work anymore, it's because the developer named the Jetway objects in the scenery in a way that would made it very difficult to recognize them "by name", since they are all called this way:


While we might add this naming pattern to GSX, which will fix the problem momentarily ( and can be done in the next update ), the real solution is to have the SDK updated, so we can detect Jetways by position, instead of by name.


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Ok, so, between the last two November updates, I was finally gettting animated boarding at PHOG up through and including the November 25th update. I installed the December 2nd update, yesterday, and I no longer get animated boarding at PHOG. I no longer get any animated de-boarding at PHOG or PHNL (stock airport). The jetway automatically engages when requesting boarding via GSX menu, then I get verbal option to board the crew, which I select. I get announcements that the pilots are boarding, the crew is boarding, and the passengers are boarding, but none of it is rendering or animated.  I have the SU10Navdata API enabled, I have tried with and without the extra ground clutter box checked, still nothing.  I also failed to get animated boarding at the stock PHNL airport.   My JETWAYS 3rd party exclusion list includes PHOG, KDEN, KEWR, KLAS, KLAX, KORD, and KSFO.   Looking for a consistent and lasting resolution to this issue.  Any ideas out there folks? Your experience?
« Last Edit: December 05, 2022, 05:32:36 am by MDFMike »


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I, too, have lost people in many airports, where they used to be. And the new function that should level people in the jetway is not working yet. For example, in Ibiza, from inibuilds, people go under the floor no matter what height I set


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I, too, have lost people in many airports, where they used to be. And the new function that should level people in the jetway is not working yet. For example, in Ibiza, from inibuilds, people go under the floor no matter what height I set

Be sure you type the correct command without extra spaces, as explained here:,28631.msg186703.html#msg186703
« Last Edit: December 05, 2022, 05:16:19 pm by virtuali »


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Missing passengers in jetways if the airport didn't had any profile has been fixed in today's Live Update.


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Passenger animation for boarding and de-boarding is now working again at PHOG with the December 5th update. I haven't yet tested other airports.


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Passenger animation for boarding and de-boarding is now working again at PHOG with the December 5th update. I haven't yet tested other airports.

It will surely work, the problem was happening on all airports that didn't had a custom GSX profile, and it's now fixed.