Author Topic: MSFS Jetway issue upon return to an airport  (Read 672 times)


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MSFS Jetway issue upon return to an airport
« on: September 23, 2024, 10:32:41 pm »
I have scoured the forums and cannot find anyone who is having this issue, so I'm sure there is something I missing or searching the wrong terms.

The issue is straight forward, when returning to an airport, the jetways do not attach. I noticed this first at ENGM which I'm using a third party software. I would fly ENGM-ENTC-ENGM and the jetways wouldn't attach on my return flight (using the PMDG 737 and GSX). I thought it was a scenery issue. It happened every single time and I've done this about 10+ times with ENGM. So yesterday I did a flight LFPG-LROP-LFPG (and yes I deleted the Volo stuff as per another thread) and everything worked on the departure leg and at the destination it worked, but the return into LFPG, the jetway didn't work. This time with the Fenix A321. I tried from GSX, the EFB, etc. Clearly this isn't a scenery issue with ENGM, but rather a systemic issue and based on what I'm reading, an issue only with my setup.

I've never been able to return to an airport with the jetways working.

Any ideas on what to try or where another thread might have experienced the same issue. I like to fly realistic roundtrips and its very annoying to return and the jetways not work.


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Re: MSFS Jetway issue upon return to an airport
« Reply #1 on: September 29, 2024, 12:01:17 am »
Jetways in MSFS are NOT controlled in any way by GSX. GSX will just sent a trigger (as if you used a custom key command) to toggle the jetway but, the rest is completely handled by MSFS itself, and whether it will work or not, depends only by how the jetway has been modeled and placed, and the relationship between the jetway and the parked airplane.

Then there's an extra very well known issue at Paris: jetways in both airports won't work due to a conflict caused by Asobo own Volocopter package, so you must remove it.