Author Topic: Boarding passengers only arriving in small buses - very annoying  (Read 4344 times)


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Re: Boarding passengers only arriving in small buses - very annoying
« Reply #15 on: November 03, 2022, 04:15:50 pm »
As .PLN files are not allowed as attachments (maybe the team could change this in the future?) I attached the PLN file renamed as .TXT.

A .PLN is not really useful for us, since it's not used by GSX, other than knowing your departure/destination airport and search if you have the same plan on Simbrief, but the passenger number is always taken either from Simbrief or, if there's no Simbrief plan, from the airplane payload.

It would have been more useful if you said which airplane you used, and the precise, exact, sequence you loaded its payload, including the precise, exact, sequence of operations in GSX.


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Re: Boarding passengers only arriving in small buses - very annoying
« Reply #16 on: November 08, 2022, 01:26:38 am »
thanks for letting me know. I'm not a GSX pro so please be patient with me in that I do not automatically know "what you need".

* I use the FlyByWire A32NX (both development branch as well as stable v0.8.2)
* I don't set any payloads within the plane (MCDU etc.), all the payloads come straight from SimBrief which generates (I think) a random payload amount within specific thresholds?
* Before any flight plan is loaded onto the MCDU I activate the BATT/EXT PWR, APU and the lights, then I request boarding through the GSX menu
* THEN I load the SimBrief flightplan by using MCDU MENU - ATSU - INIT* and INIT - INITIAL REQUEST*, but at this time passengers are already boarding and cargo is loaded onto the plane
* GSX always shows me a passenger number between say 120 and 186 in the top left corner of the MSFS window
* But the passengers arrive only in 1 large + many medium buses in 9 out of 10 cases

I can provide you more information if you can specify what exactly you are looking for.
Thanks for helping me troubleshoot!

« Last Edit: November 08, 2022, 01:40:42 am by tocophonic »


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Re: Boarding passengers only arriving in small buses - very annoying
« Reply #17 on: November 08, 2022, 05:48:12 am »
Do you want buses at all?  I just go into the airport edit mode and check 'disable passenger bus' or similar.  Press enter and it will save the file for the gate/ramp not to use buses but passnegers walk out of building instead. 

Here is a good video on how to edit airports


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Re: Boarding passengers only arriving in small buses - very annoying
« Reply #18 on: November 08, 2022, 06:24:09 pm »
Do you want buses at all?  I just go into the airport edit mode and check 'disable passenger bus' or similar.  Press enter and it will save the file for the gate/ramp not to use buses but passnegers walk out of building instead. 

Thanks for the suggestion, that's really good to know (at least as a workaround). Although I personally would prefer - functioning, non-frustrating - buses :)


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Re: Boarding passengers only arriving in small buses - very annoying
« Reply #19 on: November 08, 2022, 06:46:21 pm »
Thanks for the suggestion, that's really good to know (at least as a workaround). Although I personally would prefer - functioning, non-frustrating - buses

As I've said, I already tried, and I always get multiple large bus as expected. Please try with the default A320, so we might understand if it's somehow related to the way the FBW loads.