Author Topic: Issue with third party airports  (Read 1555 times)


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Issue with third party airports
« on: October 28, 2022, 01:00:21 am »
I refer to the sticky post "Some third party airports are not found". According to it GSX was updated in order to increase the default value of .bgl files for airport data to 30Mb. However I am still finding that for some third party airports (one is RD LIRN, another is Gaya Sim LOWW, just to make two examples), GSX still points at the default AFCAD. How can I solve this ?



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Re: Issue with third party airports
« Reply #1 on: October 28, 2022, 11:59:23 am »
Another reason why 3rd party airports are not detected, is because they failed to Exclude things like jetways or taxiways from the default airport, so GSX assumes they are not complete airports, but just enhancements to the default airport, so it will use the default airport instead. I'm fairly sure this is the problem with Gaya LOWW, but there might be others made like this.

However, if you enable the SU10 Navdata in the GSX Config panel in the installer, it won't use the airport .bgl anymore, and will ask data about the airport directly to the sim itself, using Simconnect.


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Re: Issue with third party airports
« Reply #2 on: October 28, 2022, 12:50:39 pm »
thanks for your reply. I will try your suggestion. I have just one question: if the airport.bgl are no longer used with SU10 Navdata, how will we manage the customised profiles for individual airports ? I don't know if my question is clear.



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Re: Issue with third party airports
« Reply #3 on: October 28, 2022, 01:41:21 pm »
if the airport.bgl are no longer used with SU10 Navdata, how will we manage the customised profiles for individual airports ? I don't know if my question is clear.

Have a look at the last pages of the manual ( 71-72 ), which explain exactly how custom profiles will be handled.

Note that, this is still a work in progress because, before the end of the Navdata Beta period, we'll update GSX again, adding a new feature, which will allow to manually choose a custom profile, in case there are more than one for the same ICAO in the profiles folder.

Until that, just be sure the profile for any given ICAO in your profiles folder is the right one for the scenery you are using, and don't keep more than one profile for the same ICAO there, because GSX will just load the first one it finds, most likely in alphabetical directory order.


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Re: Issue with third party airports
« Reply #4 on: October 28, 2022, 05:05:10 pm »
I have learned from some online tutorial that when I download a customized profile for a given addon airport I need to modify the line in the file where the path of the AFCAD is shown, to reflect its correct path in my installation.
Now, if my understanding of the manual and of your above answers is correct, if I use SU10 Navdata, that line in the airport.bgl file is no longer needed as GSX will no longer look for the airport.bgl files (or whatever they are called). Is my understanding correct ?
