Author Topic: Approach waypoint disappearing with FSDT LSZH installed  (Read 4033 times)


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Approach waypoint disappearing with FSDT LSZH installed
« on: November 17, 2022, 08:48:53 am »
Hi Umberto, I found a strange issue in SU11:

- Asobo LSZH is uninstalled
- FSDT LSZH is installed
- I plan a flight using the default flight planner with ILS 28 (no arrival)
- When starting my flight (FBW A320nx, but reproducable in the Asobo A320neo as well) I scroll through the flightplan
- The last regular waypoint is shown and after that the flightplan is straightly going to the runway
- VFR map is OK, but waypoints are not named there either
- After uninstalling FSDT Zurich (and leaving Asobo version uninstalled as well) everything is back to normal.

I also see this happening with other airports (Aerosoft EDDH and EDDK, but not all airports)

With FSDT LSZH installed:

Without FSDT LSZH installed:
« Last Edit: November 17, 2022, 01:56:26 pm by virtuali »


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Re: Approach waypoint disappearing with FSDT LSZH installed
« Reply #1 on: November 17, 2022, 09:03:39 am »
I am not using Navigraph by the way, just default NavData.


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Re: Approach waypoint disappearing with FSDT LSZH installed
« Reply #2 on: November 17, 2022, 02:56:53 pm »
Having FSDT LSZH installed or not, shouldn't make any difference to how the Approaches are shown, because FSDT LSZH doesn't include ANY approaches, and it's set to NOT disable any existing Approaches in the simulator.

To verify this, I made the following test, and made a flight plan from EDDM to LSZH, choosing IFR with Low level airways and ILS28 with no arrival, repeated 3 times, with the following different conditions:

1) With FSDT LSZH installed, and Microsoft LSZH not installed

2) With Microsoft LSZH installed only

3) Without even Microsoft LSZH installed, just the default (bare) LSZH

Of course, I restarted the sim each time before every test, and as expected, in ALL 3 cases, what I got was EXACTLY like your screenshot "With LSZH installed", yes, even when FSDT LSZH wasn't installed.

I had a suspicion that the Microsoft LSZH might have added different approaches not otherwise included in the sim by itself, but that wasn't the case, since I always get the same result, that rectangular approach that must have been created by the sim with dummy waypoints on the fly, instead of the real procedure which would require reaching the airport on a 81° heading, then turning around in the opposite direction towards CF28->RAMEN and then back to the final runway heading, the one "Without LSZH installed", which is the real approach.

But since I always got the wrong one in all 3 cases, that excludes also the possibility Microsoft might have added the correct Approach only to the handcrafted Zurich.

That leaves with only one possible reason why you are getting the right one in some cases, and it's because it's coming from another scenery, most likely Navigraph, since it doesn't seem the right approach is ever included in the default Navdata in the sim. But if it's coming from Navigraph, then it MIGHT be affected by its priority compared to FSDT LSZH, that's why you might see a difference with/without FSDT installed. A difference that shouldn't even happen, because we explicitly asked NOT to delete or change any approaches.
« Last Edit: November 17, 2022, 03:00:05 pm by virtuali »


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Re: Approach waypoint disappearing with FSDT LSZH installed
« Reply #3 on: November 22, 2022, 11:27:36 am »
Hi Umberto, I am not using Navigraph at all and I can reproduce the issues with other 3rd party sceneries as well... Issue seems to be wider spread.


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Re: Approach waypoint disappearing with FSDT LSZH installed
« Reply #4 on: November 25, 2022, 09:35:30 am »

I found the same with the freeware Gatwick, but the developer fixed it by removing the custom ILS (as in the changelog). Now the waypoints are back. This is a part of the changelog:

Custom ILS removed.
RemoveallILS unticked in Airport SDK selection
Default Gatwick ILS now activated


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Re: Approach waypoint disappearing with FSDT LSZH installed
« Reply #5 on: November 25, 2022, 04:03:49 pm »
I found the same with the freeware Gatwick, but the developer fixed it by removing the custom ILS (as in the changelog). Now the waypoints are back. This is a part of the changelog:

Have you read my previous test report ? I'll repeat it again:

1) With FSDT LSZH installed, and Microsoft LSZH not installed

2) With Microsoft LSZH installed only

3) Without even Microsoft LSZH installed, just the default (bare) LSZH

Of course, I restarted the sim each time before every test, and as expected, in ALL 3 cases, what I got was EXACTLY like your screenshot "With LSZH installed", yes, even when FSDT LSZH wasn't installed.

So no, it cannot be the issue of a "Custom ILS" disturbing the Approaches, because I get exactly the same results as you ( wrong approach ), with NOT FSDT LSZH INSTALLED!


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Re: Approach waypoint disappearing with FSDT LSZH installed
« Reply #6 on: December 09, 2022, 08:54:37 am »
Ok, but the point is there is an issue with the FSDT airport installed. Other devs already fixed the issue as you can see here:

The fix is: Removed DeleteILS flag option that affects default navdata in custom ILS


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Re: Approach waypoint disappearing with FSDT LSZH installed
« Reply #7 on: December 09, 2022, 12:05:31 pm »
Ok, but the point is there is an issue with the FSDT airport installed

Have you read my last reply ? It happens even without FSDT LSZH installed!

The fix is: Removed DeleteILS flag option that affects default navdata in custom ILS

If you looked at that thread carefully, you would have seen it pointed to the original issue reported on Asobo dev forum:

In which, of course, I also posted asking if this was going to be fixed and, last reply from Asobo was:

This issue is not related to SDK but to the game exe. It has been fixed for SU11. Do you still encounter the issue in the current flighting build?

So, they not only acknowledged it to be a bug in the simulator .exe, but it was supposed to be fixed in SU11. While we might easily add the proposed fix, I don't think chase a simulator bug is the correct approach, since the bug will likely be fixed ( and it SHOULD be fixed ) meaning that, after the "fix", we'll have to do another fix, to revert it back as it is now, because what the fix does, is to intentionally create a duplicated ILS.

We might easily to quick updates on our version, but with the time it takes for Microsoft to publish updates, we might have to wait a very long time to publish what will likely be two fixes in a row, just to chase a simulator bug that might disappear at any time.


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Re: Approach waypoint disappearing with FSDT LSZH installed
« Reply #8 on: December 10, 2022, 04:24:13 am »
Just for information I am having the same described issue with FSDT LSZH and a few other airport.